freediver wrote on Sep 14
th, 2014 at 7:05pm:
Sounds good to me. These people need to be stopped.
Maybe not.
The history of the Middle East is that they butcher and murder one another for tribal and religious reasons until finally a strong dictator emerges who brings peace and stability to the warring sides through mini-genocides, torture chambers, and localised gassings.
If left alone, this latest Islamic horde of Medieval savages will eventually establish a dictatorial caliphate from which successive ayatollahs will make sure there is no insurrection, and the tribal warlords will all behave themselves while paying taxes on their opium production.
And should the West ~ particularly the Americans ~ try to militarily interfere with this scene of domestic bliss ~ they will, as usual, be condemned by one-and-all as monsters of conceit for trying to bring democracy and personal freedom to the inhabitants.
'Islamic State' is best left well enough alone to fulfil its historic destiny for being just the latest in a long tradition of how Arabs have always decided who should rule over them.
We westerners don't understand how much these Middle Eastern Muslims appreciate and respect leaderships that are achieved through violence and mass-slaughter.
Needless to say, it's a no-brainer that we should be dropping more sophisticated weaponry to the Islamic State fighters to hurry things up a bit.
The quicker they achieve their ends, the sooner we can all relax and go back to what we were doing.
As things are now, Iraq is going to drain our national funds for years to come to the tune of
billions each year in order to keep things politically 'stable' over there. Abbott is committing Australia to becoming embedded in Iraq at enormous cost to our economy.
And the question begs: Where are the blue-helmeted UN forces in Iraq? Why aren't they over there fighting IS and maintaining a policing action there ~ and sharing the expence of these operations?