Where have all these ISIS monsters come from?Err, well, ....for one, Western Sydney ???
[Since the recent 'emergence' of the murderous entity called 'ISIS', in Syria and Iraq,].....
All over the world
moslem communities [being hosted within Western nations] have been falling over themselves,
insisting that ISIS [and its murderous behaviour] have got nothing to do with mainstream ISLAM.
Islamic State jihadi tells Muslims in France to attack non-Muslims: “Kill them and spit in their faces and run over them with your cars”
Nov 21, 2014 05:26 pm | Robert Spencer
For a group that has nothing to do with Islam, they sure talk a lot of…Islam.
“French ISIS Fighters Urge
Muslims at Home to Carry Out Terror Attacks in France,” MEMRI, November 19, 2014.
THE PROPOSITION IS;Our Western government(s) 'mouth' that they don't understand what is inspiring these ISIS cadres [who have 'appeared' in Syria and Iraq] ?
And we don't know from which 'community' [which is living among us!] these ISIS cadres are 'coming from' ?
What an absurd proposition !!
ISIS is largely made up of moslem emigres who have come from [moslem communities resident in] Western nations.
ISIS is a creature of the West's own making.
Give the gift of freedoms to moslems, and what you get is ISIS!
Empower moslems, and what you get is ISIS!
ISIS is the 'creature', of an
empowered and 'enabled'
mainstream moslem community.
.....those mainstream moslem communities, that are resident in Western nations!