aquascoot wrote on Oct 10
th, 2014 at 12:25pm:
mrkamikaze wrote on Oct 10
th, 2014 at 11:21am:
Too right you should apologise Scoot. Beheadings far too good for Gweggy.
I think it's a lesson for me about how people can push "hot buttons"
The farmer near me who hung himself, every day I had to drive past that farm and watch it deteriorate and it did make me feel awful.
Unfortunately I rolled a car with my son and then a young girl I know tried to hang herself and I saw the terrible mental health problems in the bush .
And I felt that no one cared about the bush. No psychologists or psychiatrists for these rather desperate people, but lashing out at those who call for more services for Christmas Island was unfair, they see suffering and want to help and I see suffering and want my people helped. They are sadly neglected.
Buddhism thankfully led me to realise we all are in this together,
I do still call for an end to two dollar milk and a resumption of the live cattle trade, farmers are dying over these things, I hope Australia cares..... Sometimes I wonder
In Australia, a general populace inundated with cares and daily struggles finds it hard to focus on one thing, even though focusing on one thing at a time is the only way to resolve anything at all. When people do that they are called 'fringe elements', 'radicals', and unbalanced. See the fools who invaded ASIS Island...... who here does NOT think them idiots and radicals?
As for governments etc here - they have no real interest in the position of the common herd (or herdsman) and are too busy strutting the world stage via 747, and making short-term money-grabbing deals with the cartel who run the 'global economy' - very few, if any, of which deals actually help Australia and Australians in any real way, but only serve to plunge it further into the abyss.
I've questioned the sanity and utter alien-ness of these people to our way of life in the past (and you thought MIB IV -Invasion of the Blue Ties was a joke?), and I still remain gob-smacked at the insanity (there is no other word for it) with which they approach each and every issue for today.
They are all Viagrans, Slick, all your Gillards and your Abbotts, and bent on destruction of Planet Earth, and they're only here under the Intragalactic Refugee Conventions.... which, by the way, we didn't get to vote on.... now fasten your seat belt....