St George of the Garden wrote on Sep 19
th, 2014 at 9:32am:
This crap about PH has already been debunked. But keep swallowing the lies of desperate politicians if you like.
And you think insulting all Muslims here is the way to make them assimilate? Isn’t ?that more likely to radicalise more Muslim youth?
If Australia's Muslim youths are suggestible and susceptible to 'radicalisation' even to the point of becoming mass-murderers against us ~ then the best way to deal with this monstrous situation is to deport these loose cannons back to the Middle East from whence their parents and grandparents came.
But the business of politics is politics, and so we don't have a single person in our Houses of Parliament to advocate for a practical solution to this threat that hangs over us.
Our politicians are far too concerned with winning elections upon the votes of 'The Muslim Community'.
We need a Strong Man for just a couple of years to sort out this huge mistake of bringing Islam into our National life.
No more tippy-toeing around. No more kid-gloves. No more apologetic grovelling to the Muslim 'leaders'. No more consulting with the 'Muslim Leaders' as to what is acceptible to themk and what is not acceptible to them by way of government initiatives to counter this terrorist threat.
The Muslim community should consider itself lucky that Australia has only a couple of soft-cock, wimpish 'Liberal' and Labour parties, and not a Conservative Party of the sort that Enoch Powell or Churchill would have been leader.