MumboJumbo wrote on Sep 23
rd, 2014 at 11:32pm:
Freedumb wrote on Sep 23
rd, 2014 at 10:56pm:
I once read a quote that said "nothing is new". This comes to mind when you compare, say, The Reichstag fire in WWII, 911, the Roman catholic church obliterating masses of people, and now the current situation with ISIS.
Now this... this is so true.
Freedumb wrote on Sep 23
rd, 2014 at 10:56pm:
Theory has it though, that the elites of the world are in cahoots, or working with, and sometimes are, in fact aliens, taking control of the world and holding us prisoners but giving off the illusion that we are free. What's the best kind of prisoner, after all? One that thinks he is free. I can understand this, as I think our minds are actually prisoners.
Any chance of expanding on this? Prisoners of what? Are you thinking our minds are, in fact, held captive by other minds?
Your comment reminded me of a story I heard a while back. Scientists measured the IQ's of the general population, from kindergarten through to old age. Do you know what they found? Nearly all (I think it was about 90%) of the kindergarteners had genius-level IQs. Also, this dropped off with age. One conclusion that could be drawn from this data (not the only one) is that we in fact condition our minds to follow the crowd.
That, in a way, is exactly what I am talking about.
There was a study done in America, for instance, that since WWII the intelligence level of the people, test scores etc had dropped drastically.
What we learn from external sources, in our life, is going to shape our brains. We go to school and we are taught what the school and those that sponsor and run the schools, want us to learn. Recently I've noticed that in education, the amount of time off has been increased over the years and they are learning things that don't really educate them. As an example, "How to deal with cyber bullying on FB". This is something a child should be discussing with their parents, in my opinion. Not something that should be taking up crucial time in a classroom where they could be learning something valuable.
It isn't just the schools that shape our brains -- even as adults our brains are being shaped and pulled in different directions, by media and technology. Many of us don't use media and technology for education -- instead we watch stupid Jacka$$-like antics on Youtube, or take selfies so we can post it on social networking sites to impress other people. We obsess over celebrity gossip and what dress or outfit they are wearing. The television shows we watch are extremely dumbed down, as are the magazines and books that we read. If you want a good example of this, open up George Orwell's 1984 and read a couple of chapters. Observe the style of writing. Next, pick up 50 shades of grey or Twilight and if you can bear it, read one or two chapters. You'll see the difference -- these pop culture sensations could be written by a 14 year old girl!
On news -- not only is it dumbed down, but we are bombarded with scare tactics, like what bad substance is in our food due to a "study". Yet two days later this same substance will be considered okay and then blame it on a different substance.
After this part of the news is finished, we'll hear about a drunk driver crash, or a robbery, perhaps a murder, with very little details on the why and how, and then after that we'll hear about what Miley Cyrus shaking her backside like an epileptic on acid at one of her concerts or something along those lines. It's just madness -- I personally cannot stand mainstream news and I especially have disdain for those morning shows.
I am of the opinion that those in power don't actually want people to be intelligent, to think outside the box that's set before them, or to even succeed because a majority of intelligent people are capable of overthrowing the power because that would mean that they would no longer have to rely on them.
This is how white man has been so effective and clever in enslaving the Aboriginal people -- they did barbaric acts back in the day and now they make up for it by pretty much wiping their backsides. They throw alcohol and welfare at them so they no longer feel responsible for their lives, and turn to those in power. The Aboriginals were once a very self-reliant race, though they lacked technological evolution, they figured it out in their own way.
Another form of enslavement is the idea that freedom equates to living in a democracy -- and while democracy is probably much more benevolent than any other form of political structuring, it still does not equate to freedom. Basically, you choose between two parties, who in turn have a leader. These parties can promise this and that but it's common fact that all promises are broken and politicians aren't really there to serve the people, they're there to serve themselves and others who are in power. They put on a farce and pretend to be compassionate and care for the goodwill of the people but really they just use that as a cover to further their agenda of control. Democracy is just a coveted totalitarian political structure, existing to dupe the people and keep them stupid. Those that recognise this, however, are branded insane or extremist and are undermined and discredited. I am a great example of this, but the small minded notions of people do not phase me.