Annie Anthrax wrote on Sep 20
th, 2014 at 9:50am:
I'm not going to validate ignorance and he doesn't want to either. His name has a beautiful meaning that suits him. I'll continue to teach him to be proud of who he is.
Your mistake is in thinking that it's 'ignorant' to think of a Muslim as being incompatible with Western values.
Sad to say, but the ignorance is all yours. Wishful-thinking is no substitute for the reality.
As a Muslim, does he believe in Sharia Law, and all that this encompasses in terms of women being viewed and treated as second class citizens and subservient chattels to their husbands?
There's no need to ask any further questions.
If he doesn't believe in Sharia law then this is just as much a mark of apostacy as changing his name to one that doesn't sound Islamic.
How about the practice of taqiyya? Female circumcision? Funding terrorism?
We've had Muslim mothers flocking to public schools here in Sydney to withdraw their girls from dancing and singing classes because it contravenes Islamic orthodoxy.
You can't pretend that having a Muslim identity is just the same as any other identity, and that it's ignorant to view Muslims as any different to anyone else.
We've have a whole substrata of Muslim youths in this country who are suggestible to 'radicalisation'. We can't say this of any other ethnic group. Just this alone sets the Muslim identity into its own unique category.
Why should we take it for granted that your boy has no sympathy now, or in the years to come, with any of this?
That's the attitude our government's immigration policy assumed when they opened the gates to Muslim immigration ~ and look how wrong they were.
Heavily-armed troops-in-boots are at this very moment pounding the corridors of parliament in Canberra to act as HUman-Shields against our politicians getting vaporised by a certain breed of ... Muslim.
But rather than summon up the moral courage to face the realities, you've prefered to label us as 'ignorant'.