Brian Ross wrote on Nov 24 th, 2014 at 12:17am: Soren wrote on Nov 23 rd, 2014 at 7:39pm: Brian Ross wrote on Nov 22 nd, 2014 at 11:36pm: Soren wrote on Nov 22 nd, 2014 at 11:06pm: Brian Ross wrote on Nov 22 nd, 2014 at 11:03pm: So, when are you going to hold Jews responsible for the acts of terrorism perpetrated by the Jewish settlers in the Occupied Territories, Soren? Mmm? Afterall, there is a world-wide Jewish network as well! And what about the Christians being responsible for the Rwandan Genocide? Afterall, there is a world-wide Christian network, now isn't there? As usual, your bigotry and religious persecution is revealed for everybody to see, Soren. So by making these links you recognise that Muslims are responsible for all the atrocities committed by Muslims. Actually, I'm not but I'm also not surprised you fail to see that, Soren. Unlike you, I don't believe in Guilt by Association. Jews in Australia are not responsible for any terrorist attacks made by Jews in the Occupied Territories. Christians in Australia are not responsible for the Rwandan Genocide. All I've done is point out how your bigotry makes you believe Muslims are somehow different... Crap. Jews know they are responsible for Judaism, Christians for Christianity. Only Muslims and their stupid, spineless apologists like you come up with the crap idea that somehow Muslims - freely choosing to identify as Muslims - are not responsible for Islam - an ideology you can belong to ONLY if you choose to do so. You're really working on those thatching skills, Soren. Soon you'll be able to do a whole house, just by yourself. Keep erecting those strawman arguments, makes it so much easier for you to knock down, right? Quote:This is not guilt by association but taking responsibility for a FREELY chosen ideology you identify with. If what you're doing isn't "Guilt by Association" then your education has been sadly lacking. I suppose that is the best we can expect though from a Madrassah. Carrying some responsibility for the shape of Islam is not the same as being guilty in a court of law of a terrorist act committed by an unrelated, unknown other person. As always, you dishonestly inflate your claims just to misrepresent what critics of Islam say.