polite_gandalf wrote on May 3
rd, 2015 at 8:21pm:
This latest tirade by Soren says it all really - it just shows how genuine he is about the 'legitimate debate' that he claims to champion. Such dreadful mischaracterisation of my point (that saying lies by Islam critics is damaging legitimate criticism amounts to me "not liking the flack generated by my own stupidity" - normally would just seem a simple oversight, but its clear such willful misrepresentation is part and parcel of his "methods" here. I mean, if you went up to some neutral party - someone not invested in any way in this particular issue - and told them that rampant lies designed to maliciously smear Islam and muslims, is not really important in stifling legitimate criticism of Islam - and moreover, its the muslims who complain about these lies who are the real hindrance to the debate - how do you think he would respond? Something along the lines of 'you're a bloody idiot' seems high on the cards.
My tirade?!?! Get a grip, Gandy.
What I ACTUALLY posted:
Islam is not people, it is a religion and a political ideology. Completely disagreeing and disliking its every tenet is not irrational, not bigoted and the case against Islam can be and is made quite rationally.
Muslims are people. Hating and fearing every Muslims should be called Muslimophobia. That would be the proper phobia for you to rail against.
The parallel would be criticism of Judaism or Zionism - and denouncing of every Jew, no matter how they relate to Judaism (religion) or Zionism (political ideology). Or to criticise Christianity - and hate every Christian.
But the Islamophobia mongers deliberately do not make the distinction between ideas and people because then they would have to concede that there may be rational criticism of Islam - thereby ceding the ground to reason ahead of Allah.
"Islamophobia" is BS. Stop peddling it.
Getting all emotionally incontinent doesn't make Islamophobia OK. It is still BS. Emoting just makes you look like a BS merchant with minimal self-critical insight into your own situation and psychology.