Continued from previous post
Quote:"Wilson and Thornley met only once in that period, when Wilson spent the night at Thornley’s place in Tampa in 1968. They smoked some pot and started ruminating about their project. “What if there really is an Illuminati?” Wilson asked. “Maybe they’ll find out about us and be pissed.” “I doubt if there is,” Thornley replied. “And if there by some chance is, they would probably be very happy to have wildass fools like us covering up for them by spreading bizarre theories
See more here:
The joke culminated in 'Illuminatus', circa about 1971, apparently. I have a copy of that vintage down in storage somewhere, although I didn't read it until sometime in the 80s, mine being a second-hand paperback. Can't remember much about it although I found it alarming/disturbing
These days, knowing nothing of the satiric origins of 'the Illuminati' until a moment ago, I regard 'the Illuminati' to be simply an umbrella term which houses multiple and conflicting influential/powerful groups
For example, Wikipedia states the Club of Rome is responsible for the creation of the 'climate change' thing. And cites direct from CoR proceedings, supposedly
Quote:"The Club of Rome is a global think tank that deals with a variety of international political issues. Founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, the Club of Rome describes itself as "a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity
Quote:"In 1991, the Club published The First Global Revolution.[7] It analyses the problems of humanity, calling these collectively or in essence the 'problematique'. It notes (laments) that, historically, social or political unity has commonly been motivated by enemies in common: "The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself - when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one, or else one invented for the purpose
Quote:"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill
The Club goes on to claim 'these problems do exist'. See more of their rationalisation at link
I wouldn't trust the Club to tell me the correct time, incidentally
I've dropped them in as example of the groups orchestrating world events and it's my belief there are many such groups, often in conflict - some working for the good and others engineering chaos for profit
All machinate away under the term
'the Illuminati' and the title provides them excellent cover. They probably have a marble bust of Anton Wilson in their foyers and genuflect to it and laugh each time they enter their inner sanctums
The builders of the Georgia Guidestones seem like good-guys in comparison to Big Banks, the war-mongers, 'leaders of state', Big Pharma, Big Oil and the rest -- all of whom, imo, qualify for the term 'Illuminati'
As to population control/eugenics, it's my suspicion they'll continue promoting unbridled procreation to the bitter end. More consumers equals greater profits. And if in a hundred years the entire world lives ten to a room, they (the mob huddling beneath the title 'the Illuminati') will simply move themselves to a comfy space station or whatever scientific marvel they've invented by then, and watch from that safe distance as people jostle like ants down here on Earth, meanwhile continuing to suck blood-money from each and every one and laughing as humans cannibalise the fallen like Dante's Inferno gone real
Nature won't help much because Nature's only requirement of us is that we replace ourselves before we die, be we dandelions or cockroaches. And we comply, just like dandelions and cockroaches -- as the ghouls known collectively as 'the Illuminati' are keenly aware
Ever browse the popular media and seen ALL the pregnant or child-carrying 'celebrities' (actually, they're living advertisements)? In the same way, 'celebrities' were used to create the 'trend' for tattoos. Not sure what the aim of tattoos is, but Beckham alone, not to mention his spouse and of course, 'Brangelina' led millions to get themselves tattooed. It works, using 'celebrities' as advertisements
Everyone tattooed, using drugs, clutching a mobile phone and either pregnant or being photographed with their supposed offspring. Breed, breed, you beasts in the field -- breed more so they'll buy mobile phones too, etc. Meanwhile, we'll take your grown ones to kill and die in our manufactured wars for profit. And we'll dose you all with expensive cures for our lab-created suite of 'global pandemic' diseases
Supposed to be ten or eleven billion consumers on the planet in 30 years or something. All profit on the hoof
No, those with the upper hand don't want population control