Brian Ross wrote on Sep 24
th, 2014 at 6:08pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 23
rd, 2014 at 8:47pm:
Every muslim from all over the globe
No bigotry there at all, now is there, Sprint?
What sort of Christian are you? Seems like the good ol' Old Testament kind - hating, killing, smiting and burning.
Absolutely not, BR. Sprint says the difference between Muslims and Christians is that Christians did away with the beheadings and stonings and burnings and amputations in the Old Testament.
Sprint follows his Saviour, Jesus, who was right about a lot of things - just not turning the other cheek and loving thine enemy and thy neighbour as thyself.
There's probably a few more things Sprint disagrees with Jesus on, but the important thing is that Sprint is not a Muslim.
Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven. Muslims are neither. Sprint hates them.
I really don't see how there's any bigotry there at all.
Ban them.