|dev|null wrote on Sep 26
th, 2014 at 3:24pm:
Sappho wrote on Sep 26
th, 2014 at 3:11pm:
By the way HotBreath.... I clicked on that link that you provided... did you check it before you provided it? I don't think so as the first link dates to 29 feb 2012, the second dated to 16 sept 2013, the third was current and it was woman against IS specifically, and Radical Islam general (I hope), the third was not dated without going into the link itself. There were no prominent Muslims speaking out though.... which I find odd. And aside from British women not other nation seems to have bothered to make a stand against Radicalization.
I hope you feel ashamed of yourself having insulted me, abused me, but yet to prove your point... You are the perfect example of what rational and reasonable folks prove far too often that Radicals like you sir (and note I make no reference as to what kind of radical you represent... just that you are a radical) provide no substance or rational argument, yet you expect us to listen to you... Why?
Typical, moving the goalposts. The next trick that Islamophobes usually try and play. You didn't say anything about them speaking out recently or specifically against IS.
Did you see how easy it was to do a Google search Sappho? I'm sure you could do it yourself and find plenty of links to Muslims speaking out against IS even plenty doing it recently.
Oh, and if you think me upbraiding you for your lazy prejudice is being a "radical" then I'd hate you to meet a real one.
Moving the goal posts am I? I swear that is almost dishonest of you to say so. This is a issue of the here and now and not the then and there... Australia's involvement with ISIS is the now and not two years ago. The stabbing by a radicalized muslim happened just the other day ago and not 12 months ago... It is dishonest to suggest that when I speak on an issue that is new to terrorism and want to know where the outcry from Muslims is, beyond victimhood, that because I critique your lack of currency in your link, that you therefore accuse me of changing my request... when it is you who is dishonest for your mock approach to my genuine queries
I notice too that I did comment on the British Women who speak out against ISIS that that that is a good thing.... yet you say nothing to add further to that discussion, rather, you seek yet another way of abusing and insulting me. Abuse and Insults are classic markers of Radicalism... did you know that?
And now you question my very right to speak on the topic of ISIS and the lack of Muslim condemnation because you have assumed that I know no Muslims and yet I have said many times on forum that as a public servant I know many public servants who also happen to be Muslim. I am on record at Debate and Relate pointing out that many of these people are better thought of as Muslim in name only... observing Ramadan for the benefit of their family only, but not in anyways a religious Muslim. They use the word Muslim as a cultural identifier in the same way that Christians do. One woman that I do have a regular smoke with is a fully fledged Muslim with her Islamic dress etc... and she and I speak very generally on matters of religion lest I cause her or she cause me, as an atheist, offense. She too is a perfectly decent human being and in no way radicalized. I haven't spoken to her since all this business with ISIS, but I suspect we never will.
It may also interest you to know that I am on a Muslim Forum called Muslim Villiage... and having just had a browse of that forum, I'm fairly satisfied that the reason why there is no general outrage emanating from the Muslim Community is dominantly because there is no general leadership to which Australian Muslims are connected.
Quote:You expect them to answer in two weeks when the other still have questions from me aging nearly 4 years, and still not answered?
Let us not judge them on the basis of two weeks.
This is the problem with the Muslim community- we pick on those who are yet to do anything due to their infancy, but have not guts nor inclination to stand up to those who have done nothing for the past two decades.
Big difference, and the quicker it is realised the better it is for sincerity and that unity word that keeps popping up.
Was Salaam
source So, even Muslims are critical of Islamic Leaders for their lack of attention to their followers. As I said earlier, bad things happen when good people do nothing. But why am I wasting my time with a Radical like you... Normally I don't. And now I wont.