Dsmithy70 wrote on Sep 25
th, 2014 at 11:13am:
bogarde73 wrote on Sep 25
th, 2014 at 11:02am:
You're dead wrong there . . .we already know who our worst enemies are. You people just haven't tumbled to it yet.
But then you're all pretty slow aren't you.
When presented with a reasoned thought out position resort to name calling & collective generalisations.
Now its the Muslims
10 years ago it was the Lebs
before that it was the Vietnamese gangs
before that it was the Wogs
before that it was the Greeks
And in the time of the Eureka Stockade it was the Chinese.
Scared little whiteman.
Because of the sheer volume of Lebanese crime, the NSW government had to form a special Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad. It still hasn't been disbanded.
Vietnamese and Chinese gangs were real enough to the extent that a Southeast Asian Crime Squad had to be set up specifically to handle this criminal incursion upon our Australian homeland.
'Wogs and Greeks'? I don't recall nightly news items informing us of the latest drive-by shootings, and violent demonstrations demanding 'beheadings', and the Canberra parliament having to go into virtual lock-down because Greeks and Italians were threatening the pollies with executions.
And now we're being warned by the premier security service in this country that there is a real potential for home-grown Muslims to behead random people pulled off the street, and our big sporting events might be the site of mass-murder.
Wake up to yourself, Smithy. It's not clever to pose as a Useful Idiot for people who want to murder us.