King FriYAY II wrote on Sep 25
th, 2014 at 3:40pm:
Some wankers don't understand the difference between every day crimes and religious nuts lopping peoples heads off and attacking and stabbing police.
Tell me Mr Apologetics Smith, how many of the crimes you mentioned were done in the name of Islam?
God is great, huh?
Apples aren't oranges, dill.
Oh so now its pointed out that horrific things happen daily & are committed by whites its now about religion?
How do you know old farmer joe didn't say a prayer before offing his kids?
Mate you cower in your corner, you allow people to direct you
You allow people to tell you how to behave & what to think
But not me, you can shove your fear & hatred of whatever up your ass.
I will not be cowed by politicians or terrorist or bogans who are scared by both.
I think you need to have a bex and a nice nap missy.
You however sound terrified, get a grip.