Well I most certainly have not been an apologist of any kind. That said, the quote below is the point whereby the OP lost me...
I made a post (yep one single post) about my thoughts on this on one of the other (funny how there are always more than one thread for each and every morsel of debate...) threads a day or so ago.
"I would be lying if I said I was upset by it. Under the circumstances it does seem like the best possible outcome, given the alternative outcome was two cops having their heads chopped off, just over the road from the Little Angels Childcare Centre in suburban Endeavour Hills."
From the moment this meeting was set up, there was not going to be any "best" outcome, it is that simple.
Certainly I do not entertain the daft notion that the cops should have had their heads chopped off, for example. However, unlike the OP, I can also feel some regret/remorse, if not for the thug with the knife, then at least for his family (yep, even the lowest scum on the earth have people who love them, well sometimes at least...).
Perhaps the heading should be the Right outcome, it seems to be those right leaning (you know, the low wage conservatives) who are trying hand over fist to frame this as something of a "good" or "positive" or "right" outcome.
The right outcome would have involved no one being killed or injured. Sadly us human's are neither smart enough or, it seems, compassionate enough to recognise and advocate for that.
Like I said in my other post, the poor copper who pulled the trigger, I would argue would not agree it was the right outcome, and, despite his shot leading directly to his own life being saved, survivor guilt will no doubt haunt him for most (if not the rest) of his days. Is that honestly the "right" outcome?
Calling it such, no matter how "thoughtfully" the rest of the OP is couched, is, in effect, being the cheer squad for the bloke being killed. Honestly, that is a pretty base position to take.
It is not good that the two cops got stabbed, nor is it good that a young life was taken...
The difference between me and the average target for this type of thread though, I realise that the cop made the best possible choice left available to him at the time, under extreme pressure. It sure would have been nice if he could have "Hollywooded" it and either tasered the bloke down or shot him in the leg - but that is just for the movies in reality.
I am afraid the original author of the OP is in that category for me of not worth a rating...