Swagman wrote on Oct 6
th, 2014 at 10:21am:
Ok, first start by looking at your key board, next find the letters on the keyboard then press those which spell out the word Google, next is a tricking bit, hidden in your keyboard is a key marked Enter, this should be pushed all the way down.
Next you must wait until a site called Googlel appears on your monitor, next you may need help, in the space where letters can be typed, copy the letters as they appear The Australian.
Having done this you again need to locate in the your keyboard the button with the letters ENTER marked on it, you should again carefully push this button all the way down.
Then you must wait, after some time the words The Australian shall appear on your monitor, when this occurs you should move your cursor to point at that name then carefully push the button marked Enter all the way down.
Should you still be experiencing difficulties after this children from you local primary school will be able to assist you!