FD recently offered some interesting tips on what the muslim world must do before they can be accepted into the civilized world:
freediver wrote on Oct 4
th, 2014 at 5:01pm:
I have suggested what I think is lacking. It is the basics - like Muslims embracing freedom of speech instead of pretending to, but then siding against freedom of speech at every opportunity. It is working with the police instead of against them in rounding up would-be jihadis here in Australia and those funding them. It is admitting that what Muhammed did was a ghastly act of genocide, rather than proclaiming to the extremists that slaughtering people en-masse if they refuse to support your Islamic state is a noble example to follow.
I found the highlighted part most interesting here. FD raises an interesting issue regarding how beholden contemporary followers of a particular religion are of the examples or practices of revered or holy figures of their religious doctrines.
Here we have the episode of the mass execution of the military aged men of the Banu Qurayza for conspiring with an enemy that, at the time, was attempting to overrun and destroy the fledgling islamic state. I won't go into the rights or wrongs of the event, instead I will take it from FD's perspective that it was a horrible and unjustified genocide.
So the question is, can the religion of islam "move forward" into the 21st century, with this genocide cloud hanging over them? Or should, as FD suggested, muslims stand up and condemn the act by their prophet as an act of pure evil?
As soon as I saw this 'suggestion', I was straight reminded of another religion with another similar sort of cloud hanging over them. Its the account of the Israelites conquest of Canaan, after the exodus. We know that there was great slaughter in the land, as illustrated by the account of the fall of Jericho for example. We know that women and children were put to the sword - in the name of God - as specifically
commanded by God in the book of Genisis.
Now, in the language of 21st century sensibilities, such an account as described above would without question be described as a great atrocity, war crime and genocide. Unlike the incident with the Banu Qurayza, this slaughter of Canaanites is specifically framed as part of biblical doctrine: God commanded that these people be slaughtered, and indeed it was a test of the Israelites faith - the more willing they were to slaughter babies, the closer they were to God. But I hasten to add, this is not to judge, but just to put this into context.
So the question I ask is could the Christian religion "move forward" into 21st century civilization with this cloud hanging over them? The answer is they can and they have. Of course the inevitable counter will be that of course Christians don't, or didn't go round slaughtering children en-masse in emulation of their ancient prophets in the first place. I counter by saying, well actually, yes they did. Christians made mass slaughter of men women and children an art form during many periods including Charlemagne's conquest of Saxony, the crusader's conquest of Jerusalem and much of Palestine during the first crusade, and of course the conquistador conquest of Central and South America. And thats not even going into the many interfaith wars post-reformation.
So we can see that in the case of Christianity, we have 1. a religion that has mass slaughter of men women and children enshrined in its holy book 2. examples throughout history of its adherents "emulating" their prophet(s) (as much as muslim terrorists can be said to be "emulating" their prophet). By the standards being applied to islam, this fits the criteria for a religion that cannot "move forward" until its adherents stand up and reject their doctrine as evil.
And yet they have not.
And yet Christianity has managed to (mostly) stop being a violent religion, and has embraced 21st century values.
By this logic, there is no reason why islam cannot do the same without the need for its adherents to stand up and condemn their prophet.