Brian Ross wrote
Quote:Yet the Christian churches keep publishing The Old Testament, Moses as a part of The Bible, despite your claim of irrelevancy.
Of course it's published as a record of the covenant between Y.H.W.H. and the Hebrews.
There were no Christians on the earth 3414 years ago when the O.T covenant was established.
How would Christians know what Christ was actually replacing if there is not a copy of what is to be superseded?
Quote:Further, this still does not explain away Romans 1:24-32, which are a part The New Testament...
O.K. lets play your silly games
Romans 1:18 For the
wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
States that the **wrath of God is revealed against unrighteousness**
Romans 1:24-31 then give a list all iniquitous deeds unrighteous men will perform, pretty straight forward.
Romans 1:32 Who
knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Again very straight foreward:
**The judgment of God** will be on Judgment day.
There are two verdicts on the day God judges men 1/.eternal spiritual life or 2/. eternal spiritual death.
The crucial difference between islam and Christianity is:
1/.islam unequivocally states that muslims must judge then torture and murder non muslims, on this earth.
2/. Christianity leaves the judging of men to the last day and the judgment of God
keep apologizing for islamic atrocities Brian, it suits you