Animal Mutha wrote on Oct 9
th, 2014 at 3:11am:
Archival records of the census taken in Jesus' birth year in the vatican. Depictions in Roman histories such as 'the annals' by Tacitus and 'lives' by Plutarch. Four witness accounts in the New Testament. Jewish history. Islamic history. I think you would have a harder time proving Columbus or Shakespeare existed. Let's not confuse the nonsense of the miracles with the strong evidence of Jesus' birth/death.
As for projecting Christian values onto Muslims, if I was ever to do that in Rihad, may my head be quickly separated from my shoulders.
Yeah, yeah, sure! Not likely. Doesn't the vatican have people subscribing to the concept of talking snakes, and parted seas at the will of a slave leader, and floods in which only two of each species survive, and miraculous multiplication of bread and fish? Because, those sorts of concepts lead normal people to think of crazy people being counterproductive.
And as for those witnesses, I can come up with four witnesses to testify to anything wild, yet not have to prove their point for others. Does that make them valid arguments?
I would write history essays, and reference the works of authors who I have never met, about issues that I have never witnessed. The whole point about the essays were not to write a direct account of what happened. But, rather to argue about the characteristic issues surrounding the historical topic. Had any or all of the historians been inaccurate in their writing, it wouldn't be for the modern observer to know. Ergo, a person claiming that a biblical character is real, based on other biblical characters' (whose identity can't be legitimised) claims of existence, does not give credibility to person making the assertion.
In regards to ridiculing Columbus and Shakespeare's existence, I'm sure that there are a bunch of Americans and Englishmen who could track down the details recorded of their lives, quite accurately. But if you want to go down that path, I'm sure you would make my point about Jebuz's lack of existence a lot stronger.