Raven wrote on Oct 8
th, 2014 at 5:04pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8
th, 2014 at 4:29pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8
th, 2014 at 4:22pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8
th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8
th, 2014 at 2:45pm:
Terrorism here is not an existential threat
Then why do we have over 20 muslims in jail who were convicted for plotting terror attacks?
How many buddhists in our jails on terror charges?
How many hindu in our jails on terror charges?
How many Sikh's in our jails on terror charges?
Why do we have all that security at airports if there is no threat of terrorism?
I see why the leftists in this forum are unemployable.
OMG! Over
twenty? That's like 0.001% of the total Muslim population.
Raven takes it all back, we are exactly like Iraq. Obviously there have been suicide attacks daily in our major cities, we just haven't heard anything about it because the lefty controlled media is not on 'Team Ostraya'
Get a clue.
You are more likely to be raped by a priest in this country then killed by a terrorist.
The usual leftard deflection to christians when the topic is Islam.
Like i said if it was christians behaving like the muslims in the Islamic state the leftards would be fukn outraged, they are quite happy to turn a blind eye to Islamic barbarity and even appease this belief that governs in parts of the world.
Doesn't change the truth.
Look you get no argument from me that Islam is a bad religion, but so is Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Mormonism, Kabbalah.
Every religion.
A good person will always try to do good and an evil person can always be relied on to do evil.
But to make a good person do evil things well... then you need religion.
Back to the original point, terrorism in Australia
is notexistential threat. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are law abiding citizens.
We don't face the terrorist threat that other countries do.
Oh and btw name calling? Really? All it does is cheapen you and your argument.
C'mon you are better then that
We have more buddhists in Australia compared to muslims, does any ever use the word extremist or moderate in relation to buddhists?
Islamic terror is one repugnant aspect of Islam, it is not the main reason why i dislike that belief.
The Lancet documented 1003 suicide attacks in Iraq from 2003-2010, of these 1003 suicide attacks only 79 of them were directed at coalition forces,the study showed Iraqis were over 10 times more likely to be the victim of a suicide attack compared to a infidel soldier in Iraq during the war.
www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(11)61023-4/abstractI disagree with your downplaying the threat of terrorism in Australia, Airport security,ASIO ,The AFP would also disagree with you.
Why do we have all that security at the airport if there is no threat?
13 Islamic countries,make that 14 with the Islamic state have the death penalty for apostasy, is a muslim really moderate if he supports the death penalty for those who leave Islam?
I know atheists who have to pretend to be muslim to avoid the death penalty for apostasy,they hide food and drink away every Ramadan they pretend to fast.
I don't know anyone who has left any other belief who has to pretend they still believe to prevent state sanctioned persecution.
Islam is not compatible with human rights as defined by the universal declaration of human rights, death for apostasy is a clear violation of article 18.
The Islamic state is selling women and children into slavery after killing their fathers/husbands, what article of the UDHR does that violate,Muhammad had a coptic christian sex slave,Muhammad was a slave trader, the Quran tells you to follow his example.
Lefties like you embrace a belief that is not compatible with human rights,get a clue and look at what you support.