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Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 (Read 7493 times)
Redmond Neck
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Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #30 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:37pm
Phemanderac wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:31pm:
So what exactly were the truths mentioned in the topic title?

I sort of wondered that myself!

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Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #31 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:45pm
well its a strange thing I have of course heard of Miranda....and no I dont always agree with her.. but for the most part I do...

however just who are THESE people..

The ABC’s Jonathan Holmes pours scorn on Attorney-General George Brandis’ claim that we face an “existential threat” from the Islamo-fascists, and declares climate change is much scarier. Tell that to the beheaded Christians and Yazidis.

University of Western Sydney academic George Morgan pops up on the opinion pages of The Sydney Morning Herald to tell us Islamophobia is more of a threat than Islamist terrorism.

sunddenly we have experts on WHATEVER HAPPENS TO BE HEADLINES OF THE DAY..

someone very desperate to tell us climate change..something I BELIEVE has been happening for millions of years...

happens to be more of a THREAT than anything Islam Terrorists can do...


and as for sneering talking head..Jonathan Holmes..

when he does his own research some of us may take note of what he is mouthing on the mean time Jono get back to those headlines that are so important to you...

so can we nervous types believe that if we give Bill our votes he will bring calm and tranquil into our lives like we have never known before...

we will all live happily every after...
  Cheesy Cheesy
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Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #32 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:45pm
Redmond Neck wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:37pm:
Phemanderac wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:31pm:
So what exactly were the truths mentioned in the topic title?

I sort of wondered that myself!


there is nothing to FEAR.. has anyone seen Bill?
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Australian Politics

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Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #33 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:47pm
woof woof wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:35pm:
IS like Ebola will be here soon, just a matter of time because we like to think everyone is a good person.......................That is our weakness, our compassion is our weakness

yeah when it reaches ISIL.. guess where they will go.. thats right to our Red Cross.....hohum...and guess who will nurse them better.....
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Redmond Neck
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Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #34 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:57pm
cods wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:45pm:
Redmond Neck wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:37pm:
Phemanderac wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:31pm:
So what exactly were the truths mentioned in the topic title?

I sort of wondered that myself!


there is nothing to FEAR.. has anyone seen Bill?


Perhaps you can list Tony's Lies todate or is that too embarrassing!

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Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #35 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:00pm
cods wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:47pm:
woof woof wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:35pm:
IS like Ebola will be here soon, just a matter of time because we like to think everyone is a good person.......................That is our weakness, our compassion is our weakness

yeah when it reaches ISIL.. guess where they will go.. thats right to our Red Cross.....hohum...and guess who will nurse them better.....

Or maybe Red Crescent even.......

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"What's in store for me in the direction I don't take?"-Jack Kerouac.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 2981
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #36 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:04pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:29pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:22pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:45pm:
Terrorism here is not an existential threat

Then why do we have over 20 muslims in jail who were convicted for plotting terror attacks?

How many buddhists in our jails on terror charges?
How many hindu in our jails on terror charges?
How many Sikh's in our jails on terror charges?
Why do we have all that security at airports if there is no threat of terrorism?

I see why the leftists in this forum are unemployable.

OMG! Over twenty?  Shocked

That's like 0.001% of the total Muslim population.

Raven takes it all back, we are exactly like Iraq. Obviously there have been suicide attacks daily in our major cities, we just haven't heard anything about it because the lefty controlled media is not on 'Team Ostraya'

Get a clue.

You are more likely to be raped by a priest in this country then killed by a terrorist.

The usual leftard deflection to christians when the topic is Islam.

Like i said if it was christians behaving like the muslims in the Islamic state the leftards would be fukn outraged, they are quite happy to turn a blind eye to Islamic barbarity and even appease this belief that governs in parts of the world.

Doesn't change the truth.

Look you get no argument from me that Islam is a bad religion, but so is Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Mormonism, Kabbalah.

Every religion.

A good person will always try to do good and an evil person can always be relied on to do evil.

But to make a good person do evil things well... then you need religion.

Back to the original point, terrorism in Australia is notexistential threat. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are law abiding citizens.

We don't face the terrorist threat that other countries do.

Oh and btw name calling? Really? All it does is cheapen you and your argument.

C'mon you are better then that  Wink
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Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Raven would rather ask questions that may never be answered, then accept answers which must never be questioned.
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ire futuis vobismetipsis

Posts: 13147
Gender: male
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #37 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:50pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:20pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
Frankly Turkey doesn't seem too worried even though they look like taking the bordertown between them & Syria.

Turkey has been bombing the Kurds in Iraq, why would they help the Kurds?

Of course the leftards are silent about the Kurds dropping bombs into Iraq they only oppose the right bombing Iraq.

And of course the right is silent about arming a terrorist group
The PKK which is listed as a terrorist organization listed years ago.
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REBELLION is not what most people think it is.
REBELLION is when you turn off the TV & start educating & thinking for yourself.
Gavin Nascimento
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Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #38 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:04pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:29pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:22pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:45pm:
Terrorism here is not an existential threat

Then why do we have over 20 muslims in jail who were convicted for plotting terror attacks?

How many buddhists in our jails on terror charges?
How many hindu in our jails on terror charges?
How many Sikh's in our jails on terror charges?
Why do we have all that security at airports if there is no threat of terrorism?

I see why the leftists in this forum are unemployable.

OMG! Over twenty?  Shocked

That's like 0.001% of the total Muslim population.

Raven takes it all back, we are exactly like Iraq. Obviously there have been suicide attacks daily in our major cities, we just haven't heard anything about it because the lefty controlled media is not on 'Team Ostraya'

Get a clue.

You are more likely to be raped by a priest in this country then killed by a terrorist.

The usual leftard deflection to christians when the topic is Islam.

Like i said if it was christians behaving like the muslims in the Islamic state the leftards would be fukn outraged, they are quite happy to turn a blind eye to Islamic barbarity and even appease this belief that governs in parts of the world.

Doesn't change the truth.

Look you get no argument from me that Islam is a bad religion, but so is Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Mormonism, Kabbalah.

Every religion.

A good person will always try to do good and an evil person can always be relied on to do evil.

But to make a good person do evil things well... then you need religion.

Back to the original point, terrorism in Australia is notexistential threat. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are law abiding citizens.

We don't face the terrorist threat that other countries do.

Oh and btw name calling? Really? All it does is cheapen you and your argument.

C'mon you are better then that  Wink

We have more buddhists in Australia compared to muslims, does any ever use the word extremist or moderate in relation to buddhists?

Islamic terror is one repugnant aspect of Islam, it is not the main reason why i dislike that belief.
The Lancet documented 1003 suicide attacks in Iraq from 2003-2010, of these 1003 suicide attacks only 79 of them were directed at coalition forces,the study showed Iraqis were over 10 times more likely to be the victim of a suicide attack compared to a infidel soldier in Iraq during the war.

I disagree with your downplaying the threat of terrorism in Australia, Airport security,ASIO ,The AFP would also disagree with you.
Why do we have all that security at the airport if there is no threat?

13 Islamic countries,make that 14 with the Islamic state have the death penalty for apostasy, is a muslim really moderate if he supports the death penalty for those who leave Islam?

I know atheists who have to pretend to be muslim to avoid the death penalty for apostasy,they hide food and drink away every Ramadan they pretend to fast.
I don't know anyone who has left any other belief who has to pretend they still believe to prevent state sanctioned persecution.
Islam is not compatible with human rights as defined by the universal declaration of human rights, death for apostasy is a clear violation of article 18.

The Islamic state is selling women and children into slavery after killing their fathers/husbands, what article of the UDHR does that violate,Muhammad had a coptic christian sex slave,Muhammad was a slave trader, the Quran tells you to follow his example.

Lefties like you embrace a belief that is not compatible with human rights,get a clue and look at what you support.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 18574
Gender: male
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #39 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:10pm
Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:50pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:20pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
Frankly Turkey doesn't seem too worried even though they look like taking the bordertown between them & Syria.

Turkey has been bombing the Kurds in Iraq, why would they help the Kurds?

Of course the leftards are silent about the Kurds dropping bombs into Iraq they only oppose the right bombing Iraq.

And of course the right is silent about arming a terrorist group
The PKK which is listed as a terrorist organization listed years ago.

The kurds are probably the best in that area,even Gandalf tried to pass the women fighters off as being muslim, the Kurds are cool with religious pluralism even atheism.
They gave sanctuary to the christians and Yazidis who fled and ended up there.

Something worth reading,take note of the Rojava charter-

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 2981
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #40 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:16pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:04pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:29pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:22pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:45pm:
Terrorism here is not an existential threat

Then why do we have over 20 muslims in jail who were convicted for plotting terror attacks?

How many buddhists in our jails on terror charges?
How many hindu in our jails on terror charges?
How many Sikh's in our jails on terror charges?
Why do we have all that security at airports if there is no threat of terrorism?

I see why the leftists in this forum are unemployable.

OMG! Over twenty?  Shocked

That's like 0.001% of the total Muslim population.

Raven takes it all back, we are exactly like Iraq. Obviously there have been suicide attacks daily in our major cities, we just haven't heard anything about it because the lefty controlled media is not on 'Team Ostraya'

Get a clue.

You are more likely to be raped by a priest in this country then killed by a terrorist.

The usual leftard deflection to christians when the topic is Islam.

Like i said if it was christians behaving like the muslims in the Islamic state the leftards would be fukn outraged, they are quite happy to turn a blind eye to Islamic barbarity and even appease this belief that governs in parts of the world.

Doesn't change the truth.

Look you get no argument from me that Islam is a bad religion, but so is Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Mormonism, Kabbalah.

Every religion.

A good person will always try to do good and an evil person can always be relied on to do evil.

But to make a good person do evil things well... then you need religion.

Back to the original point, terrorism in Australia is notexistential threat. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are law abiding citizens.

We don't face the terrorist threat that other countries do.

Oh and btw name calling? Really? All it does is cheapen you and your argument.

C'mon you are better then that  Wink

We have more buddhists in Australia compared to muslims, does any ever use the word extremist or moderate in relation to buddhists?

Islamic terror is one repugnant aspect of Islam, it is not the main reason why i dislike that belief.
The Lancet documented 1003 suicide attacks in Iraq from 2003-2010, of these 1003 suicide attacks only 79 of them were directed at coalition forces,the study showed Iraqis were over 10 times more likely to be the victim of a suicide attack compared to a infidel soldier in Iraq during the war.

I disagree with your downplaying the threat of terrorism in Australia, Airport security,ASIO ,The AFP would also disagree with you.
Why do we have all that security at the airport if there is no threat?

13 Islamic countries,make that 14 with the Islamic state have the death penalty for apostasy, is a muslim really moderate if he supports the death penalty for those who leave Islam?

I know atheists who have to pretend to be muslim to avoid the death penalty for apostasy,they hide food and drink away every Ramadan they pretend to fast.
I don't know anyone who has left any other belief who has to pretend they still believe to prevent state sanctioned persecution.
Islam is not compatible with human rights as defined by the universal declaration of human rights, death for apostasy is a clear violation of article 18.

The Islamic state is selling women and children into slavery after killing their fathers/husbands, what article of the UDHR does that violate,Muhammad had a coptic christian sex slave,Muhammad was a slave trader, the Quran tells you to follow his example.

Lefties like you embrace a belief that is not compatible with human rights,get a clue and look at what you support.

Raven doesn't support Islam, Islam is a religion and Raven doesn't support religion. So you are wrong there.

Secondly while terrorism is indeed a threat and we are prudent to have safeguards in place, it is nothing like the media portrays it in this country. Now this is not to say it won't become an existential threat and as long as people follow stupid religions there is a certain likelihood it will.

Compared to the rest of the world the odds of you, baron, being killed in a terrorist attack in Australia is virtually non-existent
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Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Raven would rather ask questions that may never be answered, then accept answers which must never be questioned.
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Posts: 25654
Gender: male
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #41 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:20pm
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:16pm:
Raven doesn't support Islam, Islam is a religion and Raven doesn't support religion. So you are wrong there.

Secondly while terrorism is indeed a threat and we are prudent to have safeguards in place, it is nothing like the media portrays it in this country. Now this is not to say it won't become an existential threat and as long as people follow stupid religions there is a certain likelihood it will.

Compared to the rest of the world the odds of you, baron, being killed in a terrorist attack in Australia is virtually non-existent

How many Australians have been killed by the Gestapo or the KGB or the Japanese Imperial Army in Australia? Yet it was right for Australia to enter the war against the Germans and the Japanese and to guard against the Soviets afterwards.

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ire futuis vobismetipsis

Posts: 13147
Gender: male
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #42 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:26pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:10pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:50pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:20pm:
Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
Frankly Turkey doesn't seem too worried even though they look like taking the bordertown between them & Syria.

Turkey has been bombing the Kurds in Iraq, why would they help the Kurds?

Of course the leftards are silent about the Kurds dropping bombs into Iraq they only oppose the right bombing Iraq.

And of course the right is silent about arming a terrorist group
The PKK which is listed as a terrorist organization listed years ago.

The kurds are probably the best in that area,even Gandalf tried to pass the women fighters off as being muslim, the Kurds are cool with religious pluralism even atheism.
They gave sanctuary to the christians and Yazidis who fled and ended up there.

Something worth reading,take note of the Rojava charter-

Whilst I'm far from an expert from the little I have heard a get the inkling that tha PKK are more in the traditional vein of a freedom fighter.
Mainly blacklisted at Turkey's behest.

I write this before I read you're article so may about to have my knowledge broadened.
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REBELLION is not what most people think it is.
REBELLION is when you turn off the TV & start educating & thinking for yourself.
Gavin Nascimento
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Australian Politics

Posts: 2981
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #43 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:33pm
Soren wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:20pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:16pm:
Raven doesn't support Islam, Islam is a religion and Raven doesn't support religion. So you are wrong there.

Secondly while terrorism is indeed a threat and we are prudent to have safeguards in place, it is nothing like the media portrays it in this country. Now this is not to say it won't become an existential threat and as long as people follow stupid religions there is a certain likelihood it will.

Compared to the rest of the world the odds of you, baron, being killed in a terrorist attack in Australia is virtually non-existent

How many Australians have been killed by the Gestapo or the KGB or the Japanese Imperial Army in Australia? Yet it was right for Australia to enter the war against the Germans and the Japanese and to guard against the Soviets afterwards.

What's  your point?
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Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Raven would rather ask questions that may never be answered, then accept answers which must never be questioned.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 18574
Gender: male
Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5
Reply #44 - Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:37pm
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:16pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:04pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:29pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:22pm:
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:45pm:
Terrorism here is not an existential threat

Then why do we have over 20 muslims in jail who were convicted for plotting terror attacks?

How many buddhists in our jails on terror charges?
How many hindu in our jails on terror charges?
How many Sikh's in our jails on terror charges?
Why do we have all that security at airports if there is no threat of terrorism?

I see why the leftists in this forum are unemployable.

OMG! Over twenty?  Shocked

That's like 0.001% of the total Muslim population.

Raven takes it all back, we are exactly like Iraq. Obviously there have been suicide attacks daily in our major cities, we just haven't heard anything about it because the lefty controlled media is not on 'Team Ostraya'

Get a clue.

You are more likely to be raped by a priest in this country then killed by a terrorist.

The usual leftard deflection to christians when the topic is Islam.

Like i said if it was christians behaving like the muslims in the Islamic state the leftards would be fukn outraged, they are quite happy to turn a blind eye to Islamic barbarity and even appease this belief that governs in parts of the world.

Doesn't change the truth.

Look you get no argument from me that Islam is a bad religion, but so is Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Mormonism, Kabbalah.

Every religion.

A good person will always try to do good and an evil person can always be relied on to do evil.

But to make a good person do evil things well... then you need religion.

Back to the original point, terrorism in Australia is notexistential threat. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are law abiding citizens.

We don't face the terrorist threat that other countries do.

Oh and btw name calling? Really? All it does is cheapen you and your argument.

C'mon you are better then that  Wink

We have more buddhists in Australia compared to muslims, does any ever use the word extremist or moderate in relation to buddhists?

Islamic terror is one repugnant aspect of Islam, it is not the main reason why i dislike that belief.
The Lancet documented 1003 suicide attacks in Iraq from 2003-2010, of these 1003 suicide attacks only 79 of them were directed at coalition forces,the study showed Iraqis were over 10 times more likely to be the victim of a suicide attack compared to a infidel soldier in Iraq during the war.

I disagree with your downplaying the threat of terrorism in Australia, Airport security,ASIO ,The AFP would also disagree with you.
Why do we have all that security at the airport if there is no threat?

13 Islamic countries,make that 14 with the Islamic state have the death penalty for apostasy, is a muslim really moderate if he supports the death penalty for those who leave Islam?

I know atheists who have to pretend to be muslim to avoid the death penalty for apostasy,they hide food and drink away every Ramadan they pretend to fast.
I don't know anyone who has left any other belief who has to pretend they still believe to prevent state sanctioned persecution.
Islam is not compatible with human rights as defined by the universal declaration of human rights, death for apostasy is a clear violation of article 18.

The Islamic state is selling women and children into slavery after killing their fathers/husbands, what article of the UDHR does that violate,Muhammad had a coptic christian sex slave,Muhammad was a slave trader, the Quran tells you to follow his example.

Lefties like you embrace a belief that is not compatible with human rights,get a clue and look at what you support.

Raven doesn't support Islam, Islam is a religion and Raven doesn't support religion. So you are wrong there.

Secondly while terrorism is indeed a threat and we are prudent to have safeguards in place, it is nothing like the media portrays it in this country. Now this is not to say it won't become an existential threat and as long as people follow stupid religions there is a certain likelihood it will.

Compared to the rest of the world the odds of you, baron, being killed in a terrorist attack in Australia is virtually non-existent

You lefties still don't get it, if muslims stopped doing Islamic terror tomorrow islam would still be worthy of long overdue criticism.

Islamic law executes people for leaving Islam (apostasy),adultery,homosexuality,witchcraft,blasphemy against Islam or Muhammad, desecrating a Quran.

Islamic law has amputations for theft, flogging for consenting sex outside of marriage.

Can any muslim who supports any of that be called moderate?
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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