Redmond Neck wrote on Oct 9
th, 2014 at 10:41am:
Apart from Aussie, I think most of us would love to see Clive get his comeuppance, as he really is only in parliament to look after his own business interests.
Unfortunately we are stuck with his stooges for six years.
The LNP has gone cold on the inquiry to have the voter pay to save Clive's business interests, so instead Clive was able to muster an inquiry to get evidence so QLNP could be sued by Clive and Qlder's pay the bill.
PUPS have a bigger problem, the Party is doomed for deregistration. The ACT requires the Party Secretary be an enrolled voter. AEC has nobody enrolled to vote under the name of, Office of Chief Financial Officer. All AEC enrolment requires a name.
PUPS having monetary sold their vote to PUP and it enforced by the Party owner, becomes just a person, no party owner.
So end the employment of a person owned by Clive Palmer!
Once pup senators are now independent's having sold their vote to an individual, which is a criminal offence!