Brian Ross wrote on Oct 15
th, 2014 at 10:58pm:
Yadda wrote on Oct 15
th, 2014 at 8:04am:
Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14
th, 2014 at 9:04pm:
Quote:Always insisting that Islam be exempt from this insight is dishonest, Brain.
I don't.
What I do insist is that the insight is based on honest reasoning and intelligent criticism,
not endless bigotry towards people merely because they share a religion with some zealots.
You ?
Respect for honest reasoning and intelligent criticism?
No you don't, imo.
Actually I do, Y. It's a shame you never make any.
I have seen very little honest reasoning and intelligent criticism [of 'the moslem'], from yourself.
You justify your support for the 'moslem street', because the mainstream moslem community make declarations like this;
"ISLAM rejects terror and promotes peace and harmony."
- The Muslim Council of Britain
And you are an apologist for the 'moslem street'.
And your defence for, and support of, the 'moslem street' means that people like yourself bear much responsibility [imo], for what ISLAM really is [i.e. for
the consequence of having moslems live among us], and responsibility for what the 'moslem street' - actually - does.
You can't defend the 'moslem street', and then use the disclaimer;
"But i bear no responsibility for the actions and violence of the 'moslem street'."
IMO, publicly defending ISLAM and defending the philosophy which moslems adhere to, is like sheltering a violent criminal from lawful apprehension.
Such 'declarations' [of 'ISLAM is peace'] are not the only 'statements' that are being made publicly, by the 'moslem street'.
And it is apparent to everyone,
that there is a clash and a conflict of reason, between the many conflicting 'statements' 'of purpose' that are being made by the 'moslem street'.
But Brian,
I never see you adequately address those contradictions 'of purpose' that are being
demonstrated EXPOSED by the actions/behaviour of many members of moslem community.
![... ...](
German police in riot gear, accompanied by armored vehicles and water cannons, charge into a street battle between Kurds and radical Islamists in Hamburg,
Oct. 8, 2014. (Image source: N24 video screenshot)
Quote:Germany: Holy War Erupts in Hamburg
by Soeren Kern
October 15, 2014
"We are living in Hamburgistan." — Daniel Abdin, imam of Hamburg's Al-Nour Mosque.
One politician has been repeatedly threatened with beheading as the price to pay for leading a fundraising campaign to provide food and water for Kurds in northern Iraq.
"As a society we must ask ourselves: how can it be that people who live in Germany and... born and raised here, are supporters of a brutal, inhuman and fundamentalist group such as the IS and attack peaceful protestors with knives, sticks and machetes. Here in Germany, the IS threatens to become a refuge for frustrated young people…." — Claudia Roth, Vice-President, German Parliament.
But always remember...
"ISLAM rejects terror and promotes peace and harmony."