I have raised the BA annual report 2013.. some interesting points emerge..............
Ah fought them wiv dual cit'znship wuz jest ez goo' a Aussie as 'ey wuz a Pom er a Gyppo... jush goes ta show, eh, Guv? They's Aussies when vey can rip us orf, but' it's on'y schkin deep!
"your friggin country"....
Lessee now - without this friggin country Fracking Artists International would go friggin broke.... love it or leave it....
Investment created FOR Australia - Sweet Fanny Adams - since it is all off-shored back to Fracking's HQ....
Joe Blorgs the retired miner from Devon invests his $500,000 nest egg in FAI......(LMAO - Joe from Devon would never see that much in his life, especially after Thatcher got finished with him and offered him unemployment while calling him a slacker)..... they return him a princely 5% annually.... wow - that's good at the moment, eh?
Joe cops $25,00 a year pre-tax from his investment.
Meanwhile, FAI pays its (LMAO) 'ceo' and 'board members' fifty times that...... and pays flunkeys paid to sort out the best rip-off path for dealing with countries invested in ten times that....
Who's the fool here?
Investment my arse - about all Australia gets from being fracked over is royalties to States with as much idea of fiscal management as the Federal government has..... NIL!
Shareholders? Just useful dollars to spend on excessive salaries and perks for some. Same old...