perceptions_now wrote on Nov 12
th, 2014 at 5:07pm:
Anyone who doesn't like having their swear words, particularly those F & C words, converted into something less aggressive, then I suggest there is an easy remedy.
Don't use them!
There are also those using this & other forums who don't like it &/or who "shouldn't" be exposed to that sort of language, irrespective of what you may think!
So, just don't use the swear words!
The best Political Forum I was even on was one that had NO MODERATION, whatsoever. You could say what you liked. FREE SPEECH. We MODERATED ourselves. IF someone wanted to swear, they did, if the word was unacceptable, the rest of the Members said so. We were all grown ups.
Filtering swear words that we all learned as primary school children, for goodness sakes, just encourages people to create ways to avoid the "filter".
Remember, as children if we weren't allowed to do something, we found a way, anyhow.