cods wrote on Oct 17 th, 2014 at 9:42pm: Annie Anthrax wrote on Oct 17 th, 2014 at 5:27pm: Cods, here are Freediver's rules regarding the member run boards: freediver wrote on Oct 4 th, 2011 at 11:31am: It is possible for me to ban members from individual boards, but it is a complicated process. So please follow this procedure. Temporary bans will not be given, so use all other avenues first.
For all members:
Please follow the instructions of board moderators. If you don't like them, cease to use the board. This is the most powerful mechanism you have to handle poor board management. You may of course complain to the mod publicly or privately, but give it up if it is not achieving anything. If they ask you to stop posting on the board, stop posting on the board. If you refuse to follow their instructions, you will be blocked from the board and also suspended from the whole forum.
For board moderators:
1) Warn the member via PM and then publicly that they are breaking the rules.
2) If they persist in being disruptive, send them a PM notifying them that they are banned from the board. Include a link to this post so that they are aware of the ban and my expectations of them under this procedure. CC a copy of this PM to me. At this stage the member is expected to voluntarily refrain from using the board.
3) If they continue to post, advise them publicly that they are banned, or refer them to their PM from you if you want to be more subtle. This is in case they don't read their PMs.
4) If they continue to post, PM me with a link to their public warning and where they posted afterwards, and quotes. I will put in an appropriate ban at that stage. This could be a ban from the board, from the section or from the entire forum.
I will not ban people from individual party boards. On the first offence you will be banned from the entire section (currently 6 boards) or from the entire forum.
For member run boards, I have traditionally banned people from individual boards first, then from the entire section. I will continue this for the moment.
If the 'offence' is particularly nasty the member will be banned or suspended from the entire forum.
The point of this process, and the member run boards in general, is to reduce the workload on myself and the other global mods. I expect the board mods to make a reasonable effort to handle and diffuse a problem themselves before asking for a ban. I do not want the board mods to use bans as part of any personal disagreements. I WAS BEING SARCASTIC..... WHAT ABOUT BANNING MODS.... How about you f-ck right off forever? You'd have to be the mindless, nasty and vindictive poster on here. You're forever crying about how you're hard done by on here, yet you never seem to be banned. You're a f-cking disgrace who makes the terminally stupid out there look intelligent and even, when compared to you, interesting. Your incessant whining is beyond belief. You're really just a f-ckin' idiot. Your crap about how hard done by you are on here is just that, pure and utter crap. You're one of the nastiest characters I've seen on the net. Go away and leave us all in peace from your moronic postings.