Datalife wrote on Nov 13
th, 2014 at 4:43pm:
If you get rid of opposing points of view you soon will end up with a moribund forum, as some of the resident censors have found. Checkout the desert of Brian's place who reduced an active forum to a desert occupied by tumbleweed socks, or the relationships dumping ground where threads go to die.
that's exactly whats happening here...
people are leaving and we are not getting any new members as they are looking in and seeing the Bullying and infestation or repetitive welfare bludging Lefites who are so pathetic in their own real lives, sit on here all day looking for someone to bring down... and the repetitiveness? how do these numbskulls not drive themselves insane? ... or are they?
the bullying of Cods is Legendary on this forum... and yet the moderators have let it run and, by the seems of it, has left the forum..
maybe she's on holidays or something... I hope so..
but the Bullying from the diseases Annie anthrax, John Smith, life goes on and a couple of others has to be seen to be believed.. I wouldn't spit in your faces if you are on fire... 3 first class arseholes...