Quite terrifying really for something so fundamental as our freedoms - but at least they have been exposed. This is both parties I'm talking about - rubber stamping some pretty serious attacks to our freedoms without having a clue what they are.
Quote:KELLY O'DWYER (responding to comments by Greg Sheridan on the new s35P of the ASIO Act, which makes it an offence to disclose information relating to a special intelligence operation):
It applies to anybody who recklessly or deliberately discloses a special intelligence operation and there are some protections in place, Tony. The protections that are put in place are that we have the same whistleblower provisions that are in existence for intelligence organisations. It is oversighted by the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.
Untrue. The whistleblower protections have no application here and do not protect a journalist or anyone else who makes a disclosure caught by s35P. Further, the existence of special intelligence operations are required to be reported to the Inspector-General, but he or she has no oversight function in respect of them and no role to play regarding s35P.
Quote:KATE ELLIS (on s35P):
Because when Greg said this is about preventing a Snowden case and covering up secrets, that's rubbish.
Untrue. Any journalist or anyone else who published information leaked by Snowden, if it related to a special intelligence operation, would almost certainly commit an offence under s35P.
KATE ELLIS (on s35P):
It means that under the laws now you cannot be prosecuted for inadvertently revealing this. You have to actually recognise that there is a real risk and that an ASIO officer's life could be in jeopardy as a result of it and you have to decide to do it anyway.
Untrue. Section 35P says nothing of the sort, there is no requirement that anyone's life is in jeopardy for the offence to be committed. This one is just fiction.
and the real sucker-punch:
Kelly ODwyer trying to explain away the words ""add, copy, delete or alter [data on any computer or device it is monitoring]".
Well, we have a difference of opinion but it has been properly oversighted. There has been an inquiry that's actually looked...
But you still haven't explained those words?
Yes, well, I...
She didn't know they were there and the premise is right.
zing! - Julian Burnside nailed it.
This would be comical if it wasn't so scary.