Gentlemen - there are NO protections against false planting.
One of the objections I raised to the DNA sampling issue was that, regardless of how many alleged 'hedges' governments put around it, it only required a corrupt officer to plant, say, a used tissue from a suspect's home at a crime scene for 'evidence' to suddenly be created of his/her presence at that scene.
We all know, as well, how such corrupt persons will become close and pally.. bedfellows so to speak .. with any who work on behalf of the crime process. I mean, they're all on the same side, aren't they? So it is not beyond the realm of probability that a person analysing samples could be asked by a 'mate' to test some sample, and that sample substituted...
The whole deal is far too full of holes.
ADDS:- For Shaitan's sake.. we've seen sworn prison officers helping criminals escape..... how hard is it to see that a copper shagging a sample tester would be able to enveigle that tester to do something dirty?
As for lawmakers in general, they lose sight very quickly of the simple fact that they are not entitled (sic) to create 'laws' that themselves do not accord with the rule of law.... something they do all the time on the false assumption that their voting on some abrogation of The Rule of Law somehow makes that abrogation Legal....
A full review of current legislation and the current approach of courts to legislation is mandated at this time to cut out all and any chance of any false conviction or unwarranted conviction on some nonsense 'law'.
More difficult is to get around the
Nazi police approach of 'befehlen ist befehlen' as employed in the oath of office of police officers to 'uphold the law as written' - a defence that failed at Nuremburg......
"I was only following orders"......