The 'ISLAM', which moslems speak about, among themselves.
This is ISLAM, which ISIS is implementing
today, in Syria and Iraq.
This is the is real, 'Koranic',
Mainstream ISLAM - the ISLAM which ISIS feels no need to try to hide, from the eyes of 'other' [infidel] men.
It is the 'pure' ISLAM which was spoken of, as the ambition of Mainstream moslems, here in Australia, in 2012. [below]
A Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman
in Australia, speaking to 'Jihad', and
to the ambition of worldwide moslem rule - Dec 24, 2012.
This person - this Australian moslem - is talking about the implementation of the law of
Mainstream ISLAM !
"...that is the obligation [upon the pure moslem]....[to] carry the light of ISLAM to the rest of the world."
"...How? Not with flowers....It was the - ARMY - of moslems which started [the worldwide spread of ISLAM's influence]....That is Jihad."
"...That is Jihad....It is not defensive Jihad. [Jihad, is not staying where you live, 'practising' Allah's religion.]"
"...[in a place where Sharia is not the law....] You would be in the heart of somewhere else to carry your religion [there]....Is that extremist? I don't care."
"...Russia knows that moslems will knock on their doors....Russia was at war with ISLAM for years and years....They [Russia] know what ISLAM is."
"...[In the established caliphate, Sharia will be 'the law'] from day one. [Sharia] courts will be given constitutions....We will stop all the stuff....these civil rights....All forbidden things in the caliphate will be stopped from day one....all forbidden things will stop."
"...From day one, we will declare that we withdraw from the UN, and we will withdraw from all international associations.....[there will be no infidel embassies.]....They don't [will not?] have embassies in our countries."
"...Lets take the education system....[from day one] We will not teach any foreign language in our schools....Foreign languages will be taught at universities - because we need it to carry the dawa [the invitation to ISLAM] to others...They [our children] will learn [only] the Arabic language....The Koran language will be the only state language."
Australian Islamist: We Will Establish a Caliphate, Instate Shari'a, Make Arabic Official Language [above] is the same, 'pure', vicious, brutal,
intolerant, real ISLAM, that is exposed in all of its 'nakedness', to your gaze, here.....