Tony Abbott, please DO NOT give Australian taxpayers money,
to the moslem community [in Australia], 'so that the moslem community can teach the correct ISLAM' to moslem youth ['to prevent their radicalisation'] !
On the TV news last night, i watched as a [hijab wearing] woman was speaking to camera, urging the Australian government to give government [taxpayers!!!!] money, to the moslem community [in Australia], so that the moslem community would be able to 'teach the correct ISLAM' to moslem youth ['to prevent their radicalisation'] !
Mr Abbott, you are being 'played', by the Australian moslem community !
The wider Australian community and the Australian government, are being 'played', by the Australian moslem community !
Any Australian taxpayer money, that your government would give to the moslem community [in Australia, to 'teach the correct ISLAM' to moslem youth],
WILL BE!!! subverted and redirected, by the moslem community in Australia, to teach and promote -
ISLAM - in Australia.
PLEASE UNDERSTAND WHAT ISLAM IS!!!ISLAM is a political philosophy which legitimises [i.e. MAKES LAWFUL!!], the use [by moslems] of deceit, threats, intimidation, and political violence in pursuit of the political aspirations of ISLAM !
Tony Abbott, trying to placate or appease 'the moslem' [i.e. the moslem community in Australia], is like a rational man, choosing that he is going to try to 'domesticate' a wild 4 metre salt water crocodile, by appeasing it and feeding it !!!
It cannot be done.
It cannot be done, because ISLAM has the nature and the character, of that 4 metre 'salt water crocodile'!
Tony Abbott, there is no 'nice' or peaceful ISLAM.
And if the moslem community in Australia insists that a 'peaceful ISLAM' exists, in Australia, then you are being 'played' [
Likewise, there is no 'nice' or peaceful moslem, because 'the moslem' is a 'product' of what ISLAM [really, really!] is.
Tony Abbott, how would you describe persons [#1] who subscribe to a philosophy that teaches them [#1] that it is 'lawful' to murder other people [#2], who do not believe as they [#1] believe ?
A moslem, is a person who
chooses to embrace a philosophy [ISLAM], which teaches them [moslems] that it is 'lawful' for them [moslems],
to kill those, who do not believe, as they believe.
That is what a moslem is.
THE POLITICAL VIOLENCE OF MAINSTREAM ISLAMISLAM is a vicious [un-reformable] political tyranny.
ISLAM has more in common with a violent political organisation, than a religion, imo.
ISLAM's [so called] 'religious' doctrines, encourage and justify 'religious' violence to 'defend ISLAM' [read; to impose ISLAMIC 'temporal' [worldy] political authority upon others].
ISLAM has a lot in common with the political methods of Nazism, and other political fascists.
ISLAM is a political philosophy which both preaches, and legitimises [i.e. MAKES LAWFUL!!],
political violence against anyone, who opposes the political aspirations of 'the moslem' !
ISLAMIC LAW...."Ibn 'Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said,
"I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) "
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29
And we can see this actual political violence, everywhere in the world every day [2014, Oct]!....AS MOSLEMS IN THE WORLD, TODAY, FEEL THEMSELVES, THAT THEY HAVE THE 'OPPORTUNITY' TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THEIR RELIGION!
Tony Abbott, are you going to give the money of Australian taxpayers, to 'fund' such a violent and deceitful philosophy, in Australia ???
Why ?
Why would you do that ?