freediver wrote on Oct 30
th, 2014 at 6:49pm:
So whether it should be illegal to mock or even criticise religion, and your inability to gauge the public mood on such a fundamental issue, is "irrelevant minutiae"?
Ah of course, its my inability to guage...
here's me thinking Australians believe people shouldn't be offended based on their religion - because they said exactly that in a survey. In FD world that is a clear case of spineless apologism.
Yet FD assures us this is incorrect, because in his words its been "reinterpreted beyond all recognition". He just hasn't got round to explaining exactly how - how people can say one thing very clearly and unambiguously, but mean the exact opposite. Coincidentally, of course, this also happens to be one of the clear examples of spineless apologism thats not from muslims or muslim apologists.
After some prodding, poor FD must resort to his comfort zone - obfuscating and derailing from this fundamental point.
But clearly its me who is unable to guage...
Notice too that FD has quietly walked away from the holocaust denial issue, hoping it will go unnoticed.