Datalife wrote on Nov 18
th, 2014 at 9:45pm:
Gandalf lost me as an honest player with his rediculous bullshit defence about mo being a pedo. An honest thinker with a view to history which he how he tried to present himself would have just said, big mo as a warrior of his time would have rooted and raped chicks which by modern standards would cast him as a pedo, but no such charge or stigma existed at the time, and where young 12 and 13 year old girsl marrying was the norm.
"Modern standards" cast people as pedophiles based on evidence they have a psychiatric disorder characterised by a primary or exclusive attraction to pre-pubescent children. The charge doesn't stand up to even the most rudimentary scrutiny of the historical Muhammad, who:
1. had 11 wives - only one of whom was pre-pubescent at the time of betrothal
2. the one pre-pubescent wife he had he waited a whole 3 years before consummating his marriage.
3. Despite the fact that, by your own argument, Muhammad was by the standards of his time perfectly free to take all the pre-pubescent girls he wanted either as wives or sex slaves, he overwhelmingly chose adults - including a 20 year monogomous relationship with a woman even older than him.
You just shoot yourself in the foot by bringing in the "modern standards" argument - since by "modern standards" he would have to demonstrate a pathological lust for pre-pubescent girls, which by any historical analysis - he simply didn't do.