I strongly agree that if unions and employees continue to expect inflation-linked pay rises without productivity improvements it would result in total disaster.
John Smith wrote on Nov 5
th, 2014 at 8:22am:
the push to bring our wages to 3rd world standards is really in high gear now that the monkey is PM ...
business needs to accept that this isn't China and our wages need to match our costs of living ... when was the last time business accepted a cut in profits?
Majority of business are struggling and by pushing for inflation-linked pay rises without productivity improvements to pay for the increase in wages, all your doing is simply bankrupting the people who employ workers,
When i talk about business struggling i'm not talking about woolies, bunnies, Kmart, big business can handle inflation-linked pay rises without productivity improvements, but small/middle business like mine, just cant, and would ether push the rest of us overseas or bankruptcy, most business are struggling as bad as workers today.
Majority of business dont get corporate welfare and tax concessions often isnt that much, the left needs to stop views all business as one big business, because its not.