Julius Abbott wrote on Feb 19
th, 2015 at 8:59am:
They've moved on -- or should that be, 'crawled, sunk further down' since then
See my above post. It's in real time. It's happening now. They have those kids, those brave little buggered, raped, scarred, scared kids. They have them in their clutches
Those kids blew the whistle about baby sacrifice, baby slaughter, bled babies, cooked babies, consumed babies
now they have the kid-whistle blowers in their clutches
The fate of clergy, teachers, parents and all the other kids at that and other schools, lies in the balance
The police announced they would 'not be proceeding further'
The police announced the two whistle-blower children had 'retracted their videod claims'. Up to 30 or more videos
The kids have been vanished (supposed in 'care' and released to their father, the ring leader, frequently)
The police claim the mother who videod the children's disclosures has 'fled overseas'. Will she ever surface again? Or has she gone into the mincer to emerge as pet food on supermarket shelves ?
Oh yes, they've moved on from tossing babies in septic tanks
Now they cook and eat those babies when they're through with them
They make shoes from the skin of those babies and people buy and wear them -- finest leather in the world, it's said
Then move down the aangirfan site (or pick and choose from the dozens of threads re the same topic)
to learn about the Russian and European jewish mafia and the paedophile trade
learn how one thousand dollars a night can be made from the live-cam raping of just one child. Then start multiplying
Google 'Who runs the world's paedophile trade'
'Who controls paedophilia worldwide'
won't take you long to find the Usual Suspects at the top
making millions from depravity
But you know what's just as bad -- possibly even fouller ?
It's those who PAY to WATCH children and babies being raped
Now, do you imagine those who're paying are your average unemployed dope user?
Or do you suspect it's the middle and above classes -- the bank workers, the bank managers, the estate agents, the small business owners, solicitors, judges, care-home workers, well paid public servants, daddies, mummies, uncles and aunties --- isn't it they who're masturbating while watching a screaming, agonised, terrified and soon to be murdered child being raped by slime, by devils, by those with no souls?
So we should be warning men and boys out there that while it might feel 'strong and powerful' to impregnate girls and women -- while it might be a pleasing sense of revenge against the world's women and girls
while it might stuff up the lives of women and girls
while it might put a boost in a male's step to know he's grounded THAT women or girl via pregnancy and ruined her career, reputation or whatever
We need to warn those men and boys that their child may well end up in a septic tank
it may end up being famed for skin
it may end up in a jar of very expensive face cream
it may end up being raped and tossed in a mincer
it may end up as an expensive pair of shoes
it may end up having its little tender throat slit before being bled into a bowl for the consumption of Those Who Want to Play Devils
it may end up being roasted with parsnips and potatoes and eaten at a Black Mass feast
If that doesn't persuade men and boys to slip on a condom
then nothing will