freediver wrote on Nov 15
th, 2014 at 7:51pm:
Quote:Ah, so you believe people should be allowed to discriminate against people on the basis of what they believe, they believe in, FD?
Sure. If you don't want to date a Muslim because you think Islam is vile, that is perfectly acceptable.
Sure, that would OK, FD. However, if you were to spit in the eye of the Muslim and insult them, how would that sit with you?
How about calling for the deaths of all Muslims or stripping them of their citizenship and deporting them? You going to accept that, perhaps even cheer it on?
Quote: Quote:I take it you're too young to remember the sectarian divide in Australia between the Catholics and the Protestants? Where the Protestants would discriminate actively against the Catholics? Deny them advancement, jobs, education, etc.?
I have no issue with our workplace discrimination laws.
So, it's OK to discriminate against someone on the basis of their religion on the personal level or walking down the street in public but when it comes to employment, it's not on?
You don't see any contradiction there?