miketrees wrote on Nov 16
th, 2014 at 9:39pm:
I think the smoking ban is a good idea in National Parks.
You only have to catch one or two and people will learn.
Mind you I would like to ban drive through bottle shops as well.
There's only ONE thing I'd like to see banned.
And that's people who think that the answer to society's ills is to keep calling for bans on
things they don't like or approve-of.
If you don't like something, then don't do it (or buy it, or smoke it, or eat it, or drink it).
But people need to stop with this insane idea that they should have some kind of right to
stop others from doing something simply because THEY disapprove, OR to incite others to
call for pointless, often ignorance &/or vindictiveness-driven bans. They should not.
Oh, by the way... I don't smoke.