Garfield. wrote on Nov 19
th, 2014 at 10:09am:
Farage sure has the left running scared, their alliance with rapist islam to impliment sharia law in Britain is in danger, they were both hoping they could turn the 1200 raped kids into 12 million in a decade or twos time.
The left and islam, promoting child rape together whenever they can.
It was actually 1400 over a period of several years, while the likes of the lefties we see posting here every day were the ones who turned a blind eye rather than risk being called 'racists', 'xenophobes', 'bigots', and 'Islamophobes'.
Every last one of those Who Knew should be serving prison time, and sacked for life from holding public office even in the lowest echelons.
But this won't happen of course, because Britain is firmly in the hands of International Socialists who call themselves by other more innocuous names.
Some of us have been waiting patiently for a British patriot to rise up from the lower political ranks ... a Mussolini, or an Enoch Powell, or a Charles de Gaulle, or a Boadicea, or an Ante Pavelic, or an
Adol.... to return the United Kingdom to the British.