CaptainJackSparrow wrote on Dec 4
th, 2014 at 11:17pm:
Good to see they're starting to deal with their mossie problem. Australia needs to do the same and stop trying to appease everybody.
I was watching the documentary series about a hospital emergency department in London.
Someone in a critical condition is rolled off the ambulance and into the A&E where a swarm of medicos descend upon the hapless victim.
People of all religions, colours, nationalities, and races ... all politely and diplomatically consenting to observe the British Ethic in which people dress in a secular fashion no matter who they pray to.
But yes, irritatingly and predictably, there's that one individual who Just Can't Help Herself, and who feels she has to Break Rank with everybody else around her and wear The Scarf wrapped around her head, concealing her face from most angles.
She leans over the patient while holding one end of The Scarf so it doesn't slip off onto the dying man's face ...
This is the sort of Third World scenario I would have banned for being an inappropriate sartorial affectation that has no place in an English hospital.
Either these women come down from their high moral horse and mix it with their pleb colleagues without adorning themselves as pious, righteous, and 'modest' ~ or out they go.
And the hypocrisy of these pretentious female Muslim doctors is stunning.
The Middle East is as it usually is ~ a meat-grinder of rape, murder, pillage, and incessant gunfire and bombings sanctioned by selected parts of the Koran ~ and yet here we see in Britain these piously conceited Mohammedan females flouncing about in the safety of a non-Muslim society while wearing the flag of Islam wrapped around their head in the form of a hijab.
There will be
lots of changes if a no-nonsense pro-British party ever gets into power. Lots of people being told to "shape up" and decide who they want to be: generationally colonialist foreigners ~ or remove all that cloth from around their head and settle in as being publicly secular as the locals are.