Britain's One Nation party - 'UKIP' - is cracking up for the same reason One Nation did : white-anting from within.
UKIP's only MP is now on a rampage of abusing native Britishers for being disenchanted with witnessing their ancestral homeland being swamped by foreigners.
"Nigel Farage was at the centre of controversy last night after Ukip’s second most powerful politician said the party must stop making racist remarks about immigrants.
Douglas Carswell, Ukip’s first elected MP said: ‘Dislike of foreigners is not merely offensive, but absurd.’
The party must be ‘inclusive’ and have no truck with candidates who insult people’s ‘heritage or background’, he says in an article in today’s Mail on Sunday.**
‘Far from being a party that tolerates pejorative comments about people’s heritage and background, Ukip has to show that we have serious internationalist agenda.’
It must offer a ‘cheery, welcoming Yes to doctors from Singapore or scientists from south Asia’ while rejecting foreign criminals and benefit scroungers.
But Mr Carswell warns: ‘Angry nativism must have no part in it.’
Ukip has made great strides, but must change its attitude to break through in the General Election, he says, adding: ‘We have to show the whole country that we have what it takes to win big. That means an optimistic and inclusive agenda.’
Instead of having to produce most of what we eat within a few miles of where we live, our supermarket shelves are crammed with produce from every country under the sun. Over-consumption is now a bigger public health problem than under-consumption.
Our homes are filled with washing machines, iPhones and other modern gizmos from all around the world. Each of those gadgets is itself a product of human interdependence; the microchips made in Japan or South Korea, moulded plastic via Gulf oil, software written by coders in Hoxton or Mumbai".
It's because of people just like him in politics for the past 50 years that London is now predominately a black and Muslim foreign enclave where whites are a minority.
During any other time in history he would have been hanged as a traitor.
Needless to say this heralds the end of UKIP as a political force in British politics.