Gandalf has it ever occurred to you that people might criticise Islam because of what Muhammed did and what Muslims continue to do, rather than race? Or has everything that has been said here over the last few years fallen on stubbornly deaf ears?
Quote:It encompasses the dominant ethno-cultural strata of our society. Most of us in this group probably just so happen to be white, but it is not about the colour of your skin. Many whites are excluded - gays, disabled, and to a large extent, women also.
Ah, so I should have said white heterosexual males, rather than just white people? These are the ones you are particularly intolerant of when they promote freedom and human rights?
Quote:Your "ilk" is the holier-than-thou types who rabbit all day long about freedoms as strictly a one-way street - defend people's right to mock, ridicule and humiliate, but give no attention to the dangers of excesses, and people's right not to be vilified and intimidated.
Criticising Islam is not an 'excess'. Religious sacred cows are pretty much the reason for freedom of speech.
Quote:Fortunately most people from this privileged strata are sensible enough to take a more nuanced approach to freedoms
You mean they want to ban criticism of Islam?
Quote:And thus you are an extremist, FD, because you are out of step with this mainstream sentiment - and you arrogantly dismiss any deviation from your extremist one-way approach to freedom as some sinister sort of "chipping away" at our freedoms.
What I describe as chipping away at our freedoms is Muslims killing people and threatening to chop their head off if they mock Muhammed, or the OIC trying to outlaw blasphemy via the UN, or weasel words from Muslims like you about supporting a "more nuanced" approach to freedom of speech that basically involves discarding it entirely. You are getting closer to ABu on this by the day.
Quote:Exhibit A - any sort of expression protesting against mocking and ridicule = "choosing to destroy freedom":
Even when you quote me you cannot get it right. For someone who prattles on about nuances you have a habit of missing the point. To you, banning criticism and mockery of Islam is achieving a "delicate balance," but the difference between criticising what people say and trying to punish them for saying it is incomprehensible.
Quote:Only FD could claim that "human rights" involves demanding vulnerable minorities accept intimidation and vilification, with no consideration at all to the right to be protected from intimidation and vilification.
No Gandalf, that is pretty much what freedom of speech means. Mocking Muhammed is not intimidation or vilification.
Quote:Don't be daft. I asked you directly if there was any situation (besides the "fire in the theatre" example) where you would advocate limiting freedom of speech - and you cited just one situation - where someone was directly threatened with physical harm. If you think there are other situations, feel free to elaborate.
You asked for an example. I gave two. At no stage did I say that was the extent of it. I have given other examples also.