freediver wrote on Dec 11
th, 2014 at 2:57pm:
Quote:Who cares?
Many people care. The farmers who are getting ripped off care. The people who become victims of whatever is done with the money care. The people on both sides who pay higher prices for food care. The people trying to push for free trade care (I admit there are very few Muslims among them). The people who want to maintain our sovereignty care. The people who have a spine care. Even Gandalf cares enough about the image of it to try to pass off Indonesia as a secular state. Do you think he cares whether they make a liar of him?
Then care in your own personal jurisdiction. If you're a farmer, don't sell your product. If you're a consumer, don't buy the product. Its the continual whining and whinging. The rest of us don't give a flying f.uck, OK? Take your bat and ball and go home, cry if you want to but stop bothering the rest of the world with your problem with Muslims FD. Frankly it is repetitive, ignorant and boring as all hell. You sound like a whiny five year old, not an adult. Anybody'd think you were a Pom, not an Aussie.
Quote: Quote:Exactly as when other foreign nations trade in our markets, they must comply with our requirements.
If we tried the same thing with Muslims, they would start chopping people's heads off.
All of them? Nope, no bigotry there at all, now is there FD?
Quote: Quote:Simples really. If you don't want to comply, then don't and just don't trade in those markets. Don't blame them markets, that's childish. I wonder how much time you'd give to say a Chinese company that demanded that it didn't have to comply with our regulations, in our market?
Are you saying our legal requirements are somehow equivalent to the halal rorting scheme?
From the perspective of a Chinese exporter trying to break into the Australian market? Bloody oath. They don't give a fig about the safety of Australians, any more than all too often do they care about the safety and wellbeing of Chinese consumers. They're just in it to make a buck, naked capitalism at it's worst. And guess what FD? That is exactly the sort of attitude you're displaying at the moment about Halal certification. You see it as an unnecessary impediment. So the Chinese exporters see all those regulations about packaging, content and labeling for our market unnecessary. They don't need that stuff in China, so why do the Australians need it?
Muslims feel the need for Halal certification because they want to be assured that the methods, ingredients and cleanliness of the food they eat meats the dietary requirements of their religion. Who the hell are you to tell them that we won't comply with it, if Australians are going to sell their food to them? Your arrogance is breathtaking and you can't even see it, which is the real worry. Your bigotry and Islamophobia has reached new depths FD. You've become a joke. The boy who cried wolf too many times. You've gone from being the canary in the coalmine to the pig dressed up in a clown suit.