Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 21
st, 2014 at 6:46am:
Definition of trolling:
1. 3 or more
ad hominems with NO OTHER CONTENT from the same person or more, following ones posts. This may occur in the same thread or in different threads.
2. A few mild insults and abuse I personally can accommodate without a problem SO LONG as these are accompanied by explanations relating to the subject of the discussion.
linkMy considered post is followed by four
ad homs with no attempt to engage in discussion.
And I ask myself : "What the bugger am I wasting my time here for?"
A few of the members use Ozpolitic as a scribble pad and think they're being very clever with their thoughtless one liners and abuse. They haven't got the brain matter unfortunately to put into civil words why they disagree with someone's opinion. It's easier to be personally abusive to shut their opponent up.
The standards have been higher here, but it depends who the moderators are at any given time and if they choose to enforce the boundaries. Some of those in the past wouldn't have tolerated the crap we see today. You have to try and deal with the trolls the best way you can Herbert and not expect anything much from the moderators. The few we have are rarely here and unless they have similar standards to you, you're going to be ignored.
The solution would be to appoint a GM, or two, who actually cares about this forum and maintaining some standards, but FD seems to avoid these people - perhaps for commercial reasons, who knows.
Concentrate on those who give positive feedback and ignore the others Herbert. If it gets too bad, save some of the posts with links and send them to FD. It can be effective.