moses wrote on Dec 5
th, 2014 at 5:21pm:
karnal wrote:
Quote:Moses, you’ve just stated exactly the same argument with exactly the same hunches in exactly the same order as your previous post - with one addition:
You firmly believe it.
This is all well and good, but you can hardly go around condemning others who don’t firmly believe your own unproven ideas. If you want others to believe it, you need to make some sense. You need to persuade, rather than repeating the same line over and over again.
This is the Yadda technique, and it has never worked. Most don’t even bother to read it.
I’m.sure there are plenty of interesting reasons why Jews are not carrying out the laws of Leviticus as we speak. But there are also reasons why Muslims are not living a 7th century Meccan lifestyle.
There is no proof of higher IQ scores in one religion or another, but it wouldn’t matter if there was. IQ measures abstract reasoning, and a person’s IQ score can rise and fall over a lifetime.IQ also changes vastly over generations as education and technological development occurs. Agrarian people tend to have lower IQs than urban professional people, simply because farm.workers don’t develop skills in visual and conceptual analysis. They don’t need these skills.
Inbreeding is not prevelant in Muslim communities any more than it is in Hindu or Christian communities. Regardless of this, inbreeding has no effect on the violent, backward phenomenon you’re describing. The most inbred communities in the world are generally the rich and powerful. The European aristocracy survives to this day. Many royals suffered from haemophilia and other disorders due to inbreeding.
Back to the drawing board, Moses. If you want others to believe that Islam is more evil than any other religion, you really need to show how. It’s not enough to just keep repeating the same thing, over and over again.
Rather than telling me you really believe this, tell me why. If you can’t do this, how can I possibly believe your argument?
I don't really expect you to believe anything Karnal. You do your own thing I'll do mine, only time can prove who is right or wrong.
I have a few varied opinions on why Jews are superior to muslims in the societal ladder of the 21st century, multiple sources of doctrine (48 prophets 7 prophetesses) higher I.Q., they don't inbreed to the extent that muslims do, therefore have less mental and physical health problems per capita, etc.
I know that muslims who commit atrocities do so because of their islamic doctrine.
I know that muhammad (thief, liar, pedophiles, rapist, terrorist, torturer and mass murderer) is the sole source of islamic doctrine.
Having read the qur'an I know he preached that every one of the atrocities he committed was sanctified as an infallible, perfect, never to be changed islamic duty.
Therefore while ever islam exists islamic terrorism, torture and mass murder will prevail.
This is the third time in a row where you’ve posted exactly the same thing.
Only this time, you’ve whittled down your "firmly believe" to "only time will tell who is right or wrong".
You don’t want me to believe? Why would anyone spend their time outlining an argument they didn’t want their readers to believe?
Every time you post here, Moses, you want people to believe. You present an argument to persuade. We all do. If you didn’t have this intention, you’d post inane krap, such as:
Stop the boats.
Pathetic, leftards, just pathetic.
Shurely shome mishtake.
Miam miam.
Or, one of my favourites:
Sometimes a question is just a question.