Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 14
th, 2014 at 7:57pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Dec 14
th, 2014 at 7:46pm:
Herbie, you've just acknowledged that Islam is not monolithic. This suggests you realise that there are indeed moderates and extremists within Islam, as there are in all religions. Therefore, how can you claim that all carry the "religious DNA", when by implication there are different strains of that "DNA" in your acknowledgement that Islam is not monolithic.
Dear Jesus, how many times must I explain the answer to this?
Babies are branded as 'Muslim' by their parents, and thereafter grow up within the household as vulnerable and suggestible to the preachings of hardline versions of Islam. Some youths depart from their parent's moderate attitude towards Islam, and become the sort of people we now have languishing in our jails as planners of homicidal jihad.
How many times have we gone around the block on this over the years, Brian?
Please find someone else to poke a stick at. We're done.
Thank you, Herbie, you have just acknowledged not only that Islam is not monolithic but indeed there are moderate and extremist versions of that religion.
Therefore, your claim that all Muslims must be stopped from entering Australia is obviously based on, by your own admission a contradiction because you are prejudging Muslims not on what they do or even what they believe BUT WHAT YOU BELIEVE.
So, Ladies and Gentlemen, we see the reality of Herbie's trolling. He has revealed that all his posts against Islam and Muslims are based on a false premise.
I am surprised, Herbie. For a "Sensei" of the "Way of the Troll", as HB so humourously puts it, you've just shot yourself in the foot.