Raven wrote on Dec 16
th, 2014 at 1:16pm:
Here you go Herbert
Edmund Barton, the power was necessary to ''regulate the affairs of the people of coloured or inferior races who are in the Commonwealth''.
And he was, of course, quite correct in assuming that a people of a Stone Age culture should not be burdened with the same civic responsibilities as the settlers and immigrants.
He was exempting them from the political and work obligations that were imposed upon the rest of Australia.
Even to this present day, I don't hear too much objection and protest from the Aboriginal Victimhood Industry that indigenous Australians are not required, as everyone else is, to be actively looking for work if they are on the dole, and that they must sign a Mutual Obligation Agreement document as a prerequisite for receiving the dole.
And must attend all job interviews as dictated by their local Centrelink office. Uniquely, as with Strait Islanders, Aborigines are not required to look for work while receiving the dole.
Aborigines whinge about 'racism' only when it doesn't jeopardise the unique privileges they enjoy that are not given to the rest of the Australian population.
Noel Pearson has been criticising this double-stand for years. He wants the aboriginal people to
not be privileged with special exemptions and considerations for being native Australians.