Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 15
th, 2014 at 7:43pm:
Annie Anthrax wrote on Dec 15
th, 2014 at 7:10pm:
longweekend58 wrote on Dec 15
th, 2014 at 7:08pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 15
th, 2014 at 7:04pm:
Plenty of comment from Muslims today against this guy and this type of action.
but will it be condemned from the pulpit? will it be openly stated as being anti-Koran?
Sadly, no.
It's been denounced by the Islamic religious leaders around the whole country.
How very decent of them. What a bunch of hypocritical bastards.
Means absolutely nothing.
hese are the same bunch of Muslim 'community leaders' who only recently chucked a dummy-spit when Abbott announced stricter terrorism laws.
Two-faced hypocrites who only just weeks ago didn't support our government's initiatives to make it easier for the security police to identify and crack down on Muslims suspected of planning terrorist acts.
you have made a point I seem to recall they were attending the meeting with Abbott then they changed their minds?????>.. it will be interesting if one of our friends at the ABC asks them about that when they pop in for a few words.....
I am also a little dismayed when we read about the books their book shops sell and these so called teachers of ISLAM that preach hate and killing seems to be ok.....why do these IMAMS who now stand up and claim they are against all of this and they love living in this country.. why do they not close these shops and people down.???>..when all they do is spread hate for the people of this country...
I dont understand how you can let this happen knowing full well it will lead to someone going this far eventually.....
every one says it is an event waiting to happen..
.it could all end up peacefully... then again it could go the other way and we never find out what it was all about.......one guy who met him before he went into the shop I believe, said he had the look of the devil about him...scared the beejesus out of him..threatened to shoot him....
how much longer can he hold out????..