Why was Mossad agent, Man Monis, given asylum in Australia by John Howard in 1996?
Official story: "he was a Shia ayatollah fleeing persecution from Shi-ite Iran."
Make sense?
What next? Asylum for priests fleeing persecution in the Vatican?
Why did this guy have so many aliases?
Quote:Monis, also known as Sheikh Haron and Mohammad Hassan Manteghi...[and Ayatollah Boroujerdi]
How come nobody in the Muslim community knew this guy?
Quote:As far back as 2008, Australia’s Muslim leaders distanced themselves from Monis.
Australia’s senior Shia leader at the time, Kamal Mousselmani, called on federal authorities to investigate the fake sheik, saying he did not speak for Australia’s Muslim community.
Mousselmani told The Australian there were no ayatollahs — supreme Shia scholars — in Australia and none of his fellow spiritual leaders knew who Ayatollah Boroujerdi or Sheik Haron was.
“We don’t know him and we have got nothing to do with him,” Sheik Mousselmani said. “The federal police should investigate who he is. It should be their responsibility,” he said.