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Question: Should the 'false-flag' proponents be banned?

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« Created by: longweekend58 on: Dec 16th, 2014 at 6:34am »

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Sydney siege: Martin Place (Read 46218 times)
Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #615 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:22am
red baron wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 6:52am:
Take pause to think about your family and how lucky you are to have them, cherish them and put  the minor things in the bin where they belong.

The outpouring of love in the form of floral tributes at Martin Place says it all.

Good, good red. Have you taken the flag down yet? You didn't bin it, surely?
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #616 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 9:14am
There are two facets - counter-terrorism and anti-terrorism....

...counter is like a chess game in that moves are made to block and curtail opportunity for the opposing player...

....anti is direct action as demonstrated in police actions direct and CQB etc.

It appears to me that the dividing lack of lines between the two need to be resolved here and  clear lines of responsibility and communication established.

That has nothing to do with metadata retention or anything - it is purely ensuring that the appropriate bureaucracies co-operate and share and understand their areas of both individual responsibility and to share properly and fully.

Clear lines of control and communication and command.

This is the same dilemna that lead to the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency in the US.. still struggling to get it right, and still divided into petty 'turfs'.
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― John Adams
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #617 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 9:17am
page kicker with a bit of class and entertainment

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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #618 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 9:17am
Julius Abbott wrote on Dec 16th, 2014 at 8:20pm:
Soren wrote on Dec 16th, 2014 at 7:01pm:
Why does Islam lend itself to 7 murders an hour, but not other religions?  The data gathered by the BBC found that 5,042 people were killed in 664 jihadist attacks across 14 countries - a daily average of 168 deaths, or seven every hour.

Sounds fairly mild compared to the million Iraqis killed by Bush and Howard.

Perhaps we can spare a thought for the 50 million Christians killed by other Christians during WWI or the 30 million Christians killed by other Christians in WWII.

Christians have killed at least 100 million in the past century.

Which religion is the "death cult"?
Islam. A couple of your followers just killed 145 children in a school. That same thing happened in Russia. Muslims have killed millions of other muslims.
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red baron
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #619 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 12:49pm
I am in no way having a shot at Gregg's sexuality. Not on your life, I totally accept an individual's right to their own preferences in life.

I am merely pointing out a sold gold fact the Islam doesn't tolerate homosexuality, that doesn't mean I agree with it, I don't!
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red baron
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #620 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 12:49pm
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red baron
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #621 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 12:49pm
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red baron
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #622 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 12:50pm
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red baron
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #623 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 12:50pm
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red baron
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #624 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 12:50pm
5 (bloody hell Harry!)
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red baron
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #625 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 12:51pm
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Julius Abbott
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #626 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 1:26pm
Rocketanski wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 9:17am:
Islam. A couple of your followers just killed 145 children in a school. That same thing happened in Russia. Muslims have killed millions of other muslims.

So how many school kids were killed by Christians in Hiroshima? Or is the number just too big to bother counting?
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Abbott promised no tax hikes & no cuts to the ABC

There's a 'budget emergency', so we will give $9 billion to the Reserve Bank, spend $12 billion on some dubious jets, $2 billion to bomb Iraq, etc.
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #627 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 1:44pm
John Smith wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:15am:
ColdFact wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:11am:
Like, it's supposed to be 'counter-terrorism' -- Monis should have had every alarm bell on the planet ringing

why? he wasn't a terrorist, he was a lunatic.

Dear John (Oh how I hate to write...)  I'll let you go away and think about that  comment. 
Of course your rationale here is that lunatics -- even those reported to the government as having fake credentials and spreading anit-Islamic messages -- even those convicted of behaving offensively to Australian military personnel et al, even those recently advertising on their websites that that have converted to a radical persuasion; even those who have had a somewhat questionable relationship with the Iranian Intelligence and are wanted by Interpol; even those required to report to the police every day --  shouldn't be the concern of counter-terrorism experts -- that is until they are involved in acts of terrorism.  Is that it John?

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Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
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John Smith
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #628 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 1:49pm
ColdFact wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
John Smith wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:15am:
ColdFact wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:11am:
Like, it's supposed to be 'counter-terrorism' -- Monis should have had every alarm bell on the planet ringing

why? he wasn't a terrorist, he was a lunatic.

Dear John (Oh how I hate to write...)  I'll let you go away and think about that  comment. 
Of course your rationale here is that lunatics -- even those reported to the government as having fake credentials and spreading anit-Islamic messages -- even those convicted of behaving offensively to Australian military personnel et al, even those recently advertising on their websites that that have converted to a radical persuasion; even those who have had a somewhat questionable relationship with the Iranian Intelligence and are wanted by Interpol; even those required to report to the police every day --  shouldn't be the concern of counter-terrorism experts -- that is until they are involved in acts of terrorism.  Is that it John?

exactly  ... good to see you keeping up

Agony Aunt
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Sydney siege: Martin Place
Reply #629 - Dec 17th, 2014 at 1:55pm

Why was that freak let out on bail?
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