polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 16
th, 2014 at 3:27pm:
- I believe in a peaceful, tolerant islam
- the vast majority of muslims are peaceful and tolerant towards non-muslims.
I put two and two together.
You could be right though - I may be being entirely presumptuous - perhaps most muslims really hate and privately curse their non-muslim neighbours, but are too cowardly and/or lazy to act out their desires. Its about as useful to assume this than to assume the opposite in my view.
Should we assume the worst about muslims? Who knows, maybe we should - maybe we are all scum, and we should be all banned and deported and have our mosques raised to the ground. Who am I to argue otherwise?
You constantly pigeon-hole me and claim to know my beliefs,
so I'll defer to your better judgment.
You are a moslem.
[....aren't you ???? is there any denial from you, on that front ???? ]
And so,
a moslem is a moslem.
And [thanks to the Koran and the Hadith, online] everyone [
who wants to know] can know, what the tenets and laws of ISLAM, demand of 'the moslem'.
"Ibn 'Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said,
"I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) "
"Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established.
Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...."
"Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled."THE HADITH....
"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260
Quote:While Americans debate the ethics of using enhanced
interrogation techniques on mass murderers, pious
Muslims are casually tossing homosexuals from rooftops.
IMAGE and comment source.....
Quote:"What makes Allah happy?
Allah is happy, when kafir get killed."
Please watch this YT...
Muslims being deceptive Islam EX-Muslims
goto 4m 30shttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZx8cNSC9O0