Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Dec 17
th, 2014 at 7:36am:
Well balanced leftie here...... keep out of Middle Eastern wars that don't have any impact on us whatsoever.....and.....have more humane asylum seeker policies.
As far as drownings at sea, that's the risk people take when seeking asylum. I would do the same. Most asylum seekers that came here by boat and been settled here have said the same. They would take the risk again. Life is a risk. It's a lottery, some win, some don't, but I would never deny them the opportunity to try.
Totally concur.
Faced with a choice between the remote chance of drowning if I left, and the very un-remote likelihood of
being shot, blown-up, tortured etc if I remained, it would certainly be a risk I'd be prepared to take.
The Right don't seem to grasp this, nor can they grasp the fact that, if they are denied access to Aus on the
spurious basis that 'we're stopping them from drowning on their way here', then they'll simply go and drown
on their way to somewhere else. But then, the Right are perfectly OK with that, because then they're 'some-
one else's problem'.