Hot Breath wrote:
Quote:Why are you so doctrinaire?
Surely a religion is what it's believers believe it is?
The overwhelming majority of Muslims believe Islam is the religion of peace and seek only to live quiet, normal lives with their fellows. Just like Christians yet when one Muslim goes crazy, suddenly all Muslims are responsible and their religion is at fault. What happens when one Christian goes crazy? Or one Hindu or one Jew? You lot make excuses, hide your faces and refuse to be consistent. You make every excuse under the book for everybody except Muslims! Hypocrites!
There are rules,regulations, constitutions, guidelines, values, in almost all civilizations, societies, organizations, clubs, orders etc.
These doctrines, rules, regulations, whatever you like to call them, have the final power of resolution in determining who or what represents the conduct of the membership.
A member of parliament who breaks the law may call himself a politician, however the political judiciary will refuse his personal claims.
A policeman may conduct himself contrary to the values, guidelines, regulations of the police force, he may call himself a policeman, however the police regulatory body will refuse his claims.
This principle remains the one true value which holds society together, your eligibility for belonging to an entity is vindicated solely by the rules, regulations, constitutions, guidelines of whatever society, organization, religion you claim to belong to.
A personal opinion is secondary.
I believe it is fair to let the doctrine of Christianity be the judge of who or what a Christian is. Personal opinions are just that personal opinions, they are not the rules and regulations set down by Christian doctrine.
I also believe it is fair to let the doctrine of islam decide who or what is a true muslim, what atrocities are advocated by islamic doctrine. ( you on the other hand are always trying to hide from islamic doctrine).